Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dear Boy part 20

Wow! 20 Dear Boy post already! That's a pretty big deal I have to say.
So here is your first gift from me. I'll be doing 2 Dear Boy posts this week!
Yup I'm sure you're pretty excited about that!

Dear 101,
Its been real but I guess
I didn't like being burned
after I fed you.

Dearest Carter-sauce,
Sherlock Homes Saturday?
Yes? YES!

Dear Library Boy,
Thanks for checking me out.
It was a definite need at this
stressful time in my life.
Crazed Finals Girl

Dear Boys on Campus,
I am very confused. I get double
takes when I don't wear make up.
Do I look okay or is it because
my face is horrendous with out
make up?
-Make Up

Dearest Fantastic Mr. Fox,
That first message isn't meant for you!
You are going to be an amazing
missionary! I am so proud of you!
Thanks for being a great friend
to me!

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