Monday, December 5, 2011

The Honest Truth

Okay to be honest I am super excited for the day when
 I meet the boy that's meant for me.
I don't think when people say they really don't care about meeting the right person
They are lying. Trust me I've seen it more than enough times. 
"I don't want a boyfriend"...bam...5 minutes later because some one shows interest its okay. 
Its because they care people!
But there is a point where you come to be okay with the situation and you 
are okay with caring about it. 
I think once that happens it won't seem as much of a nag in our mind.
Its because everyone has a desire to love and to be loved. 

As much as I really liked the guys that I have, 
I am so grateful they didn't work out. 
Because I would have been settling for something less than what I deserve. 
I look at some boys that I had huge crushes on and find 
some were really great, amazing guys but other girls needed them more than I did.
{And I needed something more} 
Others have turned  out to be the kinda boys that keep hurting my feelings. 

I guess I'm excited to hear him say I'm beautiful.
That I'm just right the way that I am. 
That he can't believe I'm his.
Yes I hear it from my family and friends. 
I believe them. I do think I am beautiful and that Heavenly Father made me perfect. 
But I do care that I do want to hear it from that boy. 
So I just can't give up on myself so I can be ready for him to meet me. 
I'm sure I sound like a sap but its what I am thinking and how I'm feeling. 

I can't wait for him to say these things to me:
{Thinks to Linds for introducing me this group and this song)

Yup I'm excited and the paitence thing is just a work in progress

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