Tuesday, December 6, 2011

slow closing down...{part 1}

Fall Semester 2011 is coming to a close. 
This one has seem to go by so fast. 
After to next semester I'll be at the halfway mark of my college career. 
Wow! I am that old... *really?*

So time for a semester break down:
This one has been the most amazing yet stressful semester yet. 
I was the oldest in the apartment (and I'm only a third semester sophomore. gah.)
Rather interesting watching new freshmen and realizing that was me a year ago. 

So I am absolutely in love with Graphic Design.
I love everything about it. I'm looking at things more critically.
{I come home to see all the wedding announcements and I tell my mom everything 
that needs to be fixed to look better. }
And I've been trying to come up with ways to improve the
look of my blog so its not to overbearing{still a work in progress}
Header could change again soon.
I have loved the class. I think this class is the first that I've really gotten to know more
than half the class. And my teacher was pretty funny and insightful.

Third Time was a charm! I got an amazing room roommate this semester!
Miss Linds! I only have good things to say about her. Such a gorgeous and sweet girl.
For one she is normal and we got along so well.
I'm going to miss her and our talks every night.
She's introduced me to awesome music and stores.
We had are fun road trip too. Love her lots.

Boys. Yes I said boys.
I've improved. Hehe. There was a guy that did show interest.
And I got dropped like a wet rag but its okay.
I'm still friends with him and everything is good.
All the guys in his apartment are pretty awesome and
I had some good times with them at the beginning of the semester.

Part 2 coming soon...I don't know how soon.

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