Sunday, May 6, 2012

good things

Brother Franson is the best teacher ever. 
Take any of his classes if you can. 
He expects a lot but super hilarious. 

I didn't know how funny President Boyd K. Packer was
until today at regional stake conference. 

Being able to go home for Mothers Day this weekend. 
I can't wait to spend the weekend with the woman that has
taught me about life. 

Mattress surfing. Yes I can do that at my apartment. 

My wonderful, awesome, fantastic roommates. 
Its been a wonderful 3 weeks so far. 
Thanks Jenna, Whitney, Kelcie, Kristen, and Linds. 

The beauty of certainty.

Talking to my sweet, dear friend Alba.
She gives the best guy advice. 

Movie Nights with friends. So much fun.

Mega Mind. Need I say more! 

And this song...
It reminds me I shouldn't be sacred and just take a chance.

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