Monday, January 2, 2012

2012's Resolutions

Oh the favorite thing to do at the beginning of the year
only to be forgotten in a couple of months. 

Well I'm hoping not to forget because I have it written them down and 
posted them publicly.

{1} Get organized-keeping my room clean for more than 2 hours
{2} Working out every morning-at least everyday 
{3} Study the Book of Mormon for 30 minutes a day-not just read study
{4} Draw, take a picture, or design something everyday-gotta keep the juices flowing 
{5} Choose to be happy while I am at home

You'll notice my blog is going through renovations yet again. 
As much as I loved having the yellow flower background it was time for a cleaner look 
for everything. So please pay no mind to the changes now. 
I'm mostly experimenting with illustrator and html. 

What are some of your New Year Resolutions?

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