Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life {what it'll be like for a while}

Its true I have more exciting things to write about when I'm up at college. 
Boys, roommates, Rexburgians, and the weirdo girls. 
When I'm home...its pretty much work, doing things at home, and the singles ward.
I love where I'm from but there really isn't anything exciting about. 
I'll be honest...I love my bishopric at the singles ward in Burley. 
Not the kids who are still stuck in high school...yup not a fan. 
I love where I work! I love being a waitress. 
I love being with my family. I love not paying rent. 
I love that my relationship with my siblings and parents is a lot more positive. 
Not strained like it was in High school. 
I love being able to watch my siblings grow up. 
Those things I love about being home. 

But I miss Linds, Alba, Tracey, and the rest of my friends. 
I miss {can't believe I'm saying this} my stressful ART130 class. 
I miss going for a run up to the temple. 
I miss the Hart Gym{yes because of the sweaty men}
I miss being at devotional. 
I miss the spirit that I feel at BYU-I.
I miss really feeling like my actual self. Not having to repress it because of 
how stuck in high school some people are in the singles ward here. 
That I do miss. 

Sometimes trade offs stink but thats life. 
I know somethings will never be the same. 
I know everything about my life is changing fast. 
But thats okay. I trust my Heavenly Father in what he has in store for me. 

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Life at home will be good for me.

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