Tuesday, January 24, 2012


When I say typography most people look at me like I'm crazy. 
They're the ones that are crazy. 
Typography influences you everyday. 
Its when you look at a document and how the typeface/font face speaks to you. 
I've been feeling every bit of extra time in researching typography and typefaces. 
Yeah I'm a nerd for my major. 
I've always had an obsession with my handwriting and typefaces
{fonts for those who don't understand}

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

{via Design and Art/Designer Toolbox}

Typography makes a product, a document, or a business communicate visually
without a logo or a icon.
It can say I'm professional and I like things straightforward and right to the point.
Or I'm lots of a fun and I just want to jump.
Or I am solemn and I'm just letting you know I am here.
I am clean and neat because I am telling you where you need to go.

I recommend all of my designer and none designer friends to watch Helvetica.
 Its on netflix instant stream.
It gave me more knoweldge about design and typography.
It shows the debate of how well Helvetica was designed and how much it is over used.
I love helvetica but I can see that it is come to the go to just because it looks so good.
Thats what you get when you get a very well designed typeface.
There really isn't anything you can change about Helvetica.
And with the advancement of graphic design and can see more
well designed typefaces to come. My typeface heroes would be:
Paul Rand{ who designed futura font-blog header} and
Paula Scher{she shows that you can play with typography}
My advice with typography on blogs-make sure its in a font that
is easy to read for a long time. Keep your blog fonts unified.
If your going to use a bunch of different fonts make sure they work together
No clashing of the titans. You want it to look good and not tacky.
So have fun with fonts and I'm sure I'll be talking about this again.
And I'm super excited to actually take the class to
get more in depth into the subjectin spring!

{Just playing with
 some typography


  1. I don't know if they had it up Fall semester, but on the 2nd floor of the Spori there was some students' work where they did the alphabet with different objects. You would have loved it!

  2. I would marry typography if I could.
