Monday, January 23, 2012


Nope, not the genre of music but the SLC's basketball team. 
My Dad got his seasonal tickets for four from work.
Then purchased two other tickets so the whole family could enjoy some basketball. 
Yay! I finally got to see a live and decent game. 
Its been awhile since I actually new some of the players. 
Last time I was excited about the Jazz was back in the day
when Karl Malone and John Stockton played. Yup I was about 5 or 6. 
I have to say I loved watching Millsap handle the pressure 
at the bottom of the key{Loved this drop step that the TWolves couldn't handle}
And I've found my new love, Gordon Hayward.
The only white boy on the team, already starting in his second year, and is 6'8".
I did find the Twolves Spanish point guard, Ricky Rubio fun to watch. Considering his
size to the rest of the players.
I'm just fan of good basketball playing. Don't really have a favorite team.
My favorite is when I watch two good teams going head to head. 
And they beat the Twolves and it was a super fun and exciting game. 
 Aside from terrible ref calls and the rude Jazz crowd it was fun
And the Ice cream was super delish! 6 bucks a pop for each of them.
They made up for their size.

 Before any of the basketball greatness was to be partaken of,
I made sure my family went to the gateway. 
I needed to hit up the Apple store in hopes of getting some answers about my ipod. 
In short my iPod nano was getting old{6 years old, third generation}
and it was normal for it to be giving out now. 
So I could either repair or have apple recycle it and I get 10% off a new one. 
After talking with my parents I got a new one 16GB which is 4X the amount I had before. 
Its red...seems like a lot of my electronics are red...
I just wish they could have put my name on it. 
Needless to stay all the Employees in blue shirts were weird and had a nose piercing
{or some extracurricular piercing}
They were professional but didn't look professional.

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