Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bringing Pretty Back

I read an article that So, hi shared with her readers. 
It got me thinking. Why do girls really aspire to be "hot" when boys 
prefer girls to be pretty. 
Going at BYU-I you would think everyone is modest and all. 
But even the modest limit tries to get pushed to a lower cut shirt or a shorter skirt. 
I even had girls in YSA student ward asked to go home to change into 
something more modest. 
So why the hotness? Is it because we think its what men want?
Why do we feel like we can't flaunt our natural you pretty. 
I've gotten it from how boys and men talk. 
I hung out with a goup guys  for half a semester. 
How they talked about women and young women made me think they wanted that hot factor. 
Gratefully I never went in that direction and stuck to be lovely little me. 
Later some of them got girlfriends that didn't have that "hot"factor they were 
always talking about. I was a little confused but it did prove the whole 
pretty vs. hot. 

So girls flaunt the natural pretty. 
But being hot is okay once in a while.
Just not to an extreme. 
Don't flaunt the stuff that has become a commodity. 
Be your best self. 

Bring Pretty Back!
Real men love pretty. 

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