Thursday, January 5, 2012

You Owe it to Yourself

Thats my mantra when I'm working out. 
It really helps when the work out is hard and I don't want to push hard anymore. 
My mom said it to me when I felt like crap because I had gained 
weight from my thyroid being attacked by my immune system. 
It makes you feel better and boost your self esteem when you look good. 

Exercising has becoming has become really important to me. 
It keeps me sane and healthy. 
Running is still a love hate relationship and sometimes I want to 
start yelling at Beto on my Zumba DVD{more like smack him for his weird comments}. 
College has taught me how important it is. 
It helped me through my finals and cooling off when roommate stress arises. 

My parents Nordic Track Treadmill{which is amazing, its got live terrian. LOVE!}
is being a constant right now. When I've felt frustrated about being home
I hit the treadmill. 
Running shoes are pretty awesome. Sometimes I could put my relationship status on facebook as 
in a relationship with running shoes. But FB can be lame and won't let me do that. 

I am a recent Pintrest addict and these are some of my favorite work outs
which I do after I run.  I want to get my six pack out of the cooler. hehe :)
And some motivation. 

dessert is good

Body scan of 250 lb woman and 120 lb woman. If this isn't motivation to work out, I don't know what is! I'm NOT implying that a women needs to weigh 120 lbs...that's no where near realistic for some people...but it is about health and longevity and the damage obesity causes. Look at the size of the intestines and stomach; how the knee joints rub together; the enlarged heart; and the fat pockets near the brain. Not good.
seriously this was great motivation for me. 
Don't ever want to have my insides go through that!
And its not really that great on the outside either. 

The 100 Workout.




Just Do It! You owe to yourself.  

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