Sunday, January 1, 2012

Old and New

2011 Review
I found I had a thyroid problem-got it taken care of with medicine.
Went through a dark time of my life. 
Worked at Arby's and the Uppercrust. Then left for school. 
Started feeling better about myself.
Met some pretty amazing people{Alba, Tracey, Jake, Tom, Joey, John, and Eric}
Lost weight. Came home worked at scale house and then went back to school.
Finally got an amazing room roommate, Lindsey. 
Dropped more weight. 
Liked a boy, he kinda liked me back then changed his mind. 
Had an Art project hung up in the Spori.
Devoted the rest of the semester to ART130.
Feeling even better about myself. 
Came home got back to work at the Uppercrust. 
Went to a wedding, Temple Square, and had delightful Christmas. 
Made more money in my first week at the Uppercrust than I did at Arby's in 
one month almost a year ago. Pretty impressive. 

I'm glad I am back to feeling normal again. 
I'm glad that I can look in the mirror and feel happy. 
2011 has been good to me but I know 2012 is going to be better. 
I feel good about what is to come. 
I'll be back with Lindsey in April and I'll be pursuing graphic design further. 
I have Adobe Creative Sweep 5.5 so I can continue creating.wonderful things. 
So hit me up if you want a new blog header and such. 
I want to keep in practice. 
I love you all and I can't believe I have as many readers as I do! 
Have a wonderful new year with brand new exciting adventures!

What are things you look forward to with a new year?

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