Monday, April 30, 2012

thank you.

When I look at my stats for my blog it surprises me. 
Who would want to read about the rants of a 20 year old?
Apparently you do and that makes me happy. 
So thank you for reading this little side project of mine. 
Thanks for supporting me when my path seems rough. 
I'm glad I have people who love me and like what I write.
So here's to this blog that has grown into something more than I planned. 
As I read old posts I can't believe how much I have grown. 
So here's to this journal/blog thing. 
May it keep growing. 
Let it help me blossom. 
So here's to my love affair with this crazy beautiful life. 
I've been given a good one for sure. 
I love you and thank you again for your love!

Stop It.

Its a winner for sure. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

i'm lucky

I'm in a family foundations class this semester. 
Its probably one of the best choices I have made besides the
fact that I am required to take the class in order to graduate from BYU-I.
As we are reading articles about The Family: a Proclamation to World
I have been thinking a lot about my family. 

I'm lucky to have the family that I have. 
I'm so lucky I got to choose them.
I'm grateful for a Heavenly Father that didn't want me to come to this Earth alone.
He wanted me to  know he loves me.
 I have such wonderful family.
I have been raised in the gospel.
Grown up in a home where I  know my parents love each other and love me.
It makes me so grateful because other children don't get that blessing.

{really need an updated picture of my family all of us look like little babies}

Friday, April 27, 2012

Dear Boy {28} njëzet e tetë

dear wet as a dog,
thanks for stopping and
talking to me for a while.
thats never happened
runner girl

dear fhe brother i didn't know i had from last fall,
yeah super awkward. i think
you need to find some new
friends that influence you to
make better choices.
-still in shock and awe

dear boy,
consider yourself next to fruit cup.
meaning i'm forgetting about you.
thanks for being my friend though.
and just know when you come to
disappointments you never

dear boys on campus,
aviators good? i think so because of
all the double takes and smiles.
so i take that as a yes keep wearing them.
-girl who loves her aviators

dear mr. full of himself
it doesn't look good. honestly your
attraction meter went down 100
points. there's a thing called humility.
you should try it sometime.
-girl not impressed

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

fun. says it right

mainly just the chorus. 
been feeling pretty lonely lately. 
thankfully there is a lot of prayer and asking for some help. 
but still this song is just perfect.  

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Good Things

My hilarious professors. 
They make class a lot more enjoyable. 

My home away from home. 
I love feeling like I'm in a real home. 

My new roommates! They are spectacular!
Fun and super great cooks.

waiting in line for the ingrid michelson concert
Watching Ingrid live! 

 Toms for little babies!

 Tucanos! My two favorites there!

 Free Bottomless Lemonade from Tucanos!

Spending the day in SLC with my cousin Chelsie! 
She's such a sweetheart!
She treated me to such a fun day. 
I want to go visit again soon!

 Tiffany's and Co. Need I say more!

I have aviators again. Thanks Urban. 

Having our AC fixed. I'm pretty sure we almost died
because of how hot it was in our apartment. 
We could have been a couple of dead fish for sure. 

Dear Boy{27}ยี่สิบเจ็ด

Dear Boys in line,
I'm impressed you came
to see Ingrid with your
girlfriends. Brownie
points for you!
-ingrid fan

Dear Mustache Tee,
You make me smile every
single time I look at you.
-mustache obsessed

Dear S,
Why did you have to leave
me all by myself in Rexy. I
miss our ice cream chats
and its only been 1 week.
Boo! Come back!

Dear Tiffany's Security Guy,
Thanks for asking me if I
was looking for anything
in particular. It made me feel
super classy!
-not in my price range

Dear 81st Ward,
You definitively show promise and
I'm really impressed. Looking
forward to the rest of the semester.
-red dress

Dear Boy,
....yeah blank. got
nothing for you this post.
I should come up with a
nickname for you...hmm.
geez blank again.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Yeah...Dear Boys will come tomorrow night. 
I'm enjoying a mini vacay at the beginning of the semester.
I got to watch the gorgeous Ingrid Michaelson in concert. 
Her show was so much fun.

And I ended up with a her tour mustache tee! {I've been wanting one for a while}
I've got lots of pictures to post but I'm still super tired 
and I have a headache that's just as bad as my concussion was. 
So enjoy one of my favorite songs by Ingrid.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dear Boy{26} vingt à six

Dear Boy,
I wish you knew I liked you.
I want to just say it but I'm
just way to scared.

Dear testimony boy,
Either you were trying to be
funny or you are super cocky.
I sure hope nobody stalked
you on facebook because
you bore your testimony.
This is turning out longer
than I planned.

Dear Typography Boys{aside from the married one},
Where have you been all my life!
Be in my art class again?
-art major

Dear SG 107,
I've finally decided to forgive
for canceling going to Cali so
last minute.
-upset friend

Dear Boy,
I'm thinking about just
forgetting you...yeah.
Good plan.

BYU-I Gems

I am so happy I am back at school. 
Life really gets exciting on a college campus. 
I've been lucky to have some super hilarious teachers this semester. 

Seeing all these gorgeous boys makes me realize 
what a drought I have been living in. 

Learning about the Family and Marriage. 
It really makes you want to protect the things that are really good. 

My French teacher is always making fun of her culture and Americans. 
She excuses our American accents and makes the silliest faces. 
So far the class as been exciting. 

My Art History Teacher. He always has something coming out of his mouth. 
First class today and he's talking about nudity and nakedness like its nothing. 

And of course Brother Franson telling us to write about the horrible 
children we babysat when we were younger for our introduction. 
Telling us to write stuff about what we would do to 
try and escape prison. He seems like a really neat guy and can't 
wait to learn from his expertise in Graphic Design. {I'm going to start giving 
typographic advice on my blog :)}

And in honor of me learning French I give you some songs {some favorites} to enjoy. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I feel like I've had a lot of emotions going on lately. 
Moving has seemed to have drain me in feeling like I'm still out of place. 
It takes me a good while to get out of it. Terrible I know. 

I've been feeling overwhelmed. 
This may be my toughest semester yet. 
I looked at my schedule at said "Ahh shoot. What Have I gotten myself into."
I'm taking typography, french 101, art history, origin of the universe, earth, and life, 
family foundations, and art seminar.  It feels intense. 

I've felt anxious. 
I thought something was going to happen when I got back to school
with a friend but has yet to happen and probably won't happen. 

I feel happy because I feel like lots of good things will be happening this semester. 
Don't know what or when it will happen but I know things will happen. 
I don't want to doubt these feelings. Gotta keep the faith. 

I feel excited I'm in a new ward and new part of campus. 
I feel like this is going to bring lots of opportunities. 

Monday, April 16, 2012


{1} When a guy mistakes my talking to him as a friend and thinking I 
have a super big crush on him. And he stops talking to me.
 Happens to me all the time. 

{2} That out of place feeling I feel for a while when I move back to Rexburg. 

{3} Forgetting a list of things back at home. And realizing it once you have 
everything unpacked at your new apartment.

{4}Sourdough Bread. yuck. 

{5} Facebook. I still kinda hate it. I'm contemplating in getting rid of it again. 
That or deleting a lot of people. 

{6} Not wanting to cook because nothing you fix sounds good. 
I miss someone else cooking for me a lot!

{7} Friends that stop texting you

{8} Finding out a friend that you thought was going to be in Rexburg. 
Isn't coming back. 

{9} Jerks. Especially the ones that call you sir when your a definitely a Miss.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Good Things

Church Today. Was a spiritual feast and a new adventure. 
I've never seen so many people in my life at church {not even a stake meeting. 
The Stake Presidency wasn't expecting very many of us. 

Being the door greeter at church. Quite exciting. 

Living in a nice apartment. 

Hollister Mustache Man. {tehe}

Nutella and Nature Valley's Oat's and Honey. Pure Deliciousness. 

Going to the temple.

Some Nights. The Fun. Album. Pretty great. 

Watching Arrested Development. The family makes me laugh so much. 

Life is good. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

moved in.

I'm officially a Northgate Girl and I'm loving it. 
I feel like I can actually breathe in this apartment. 
I'm glad my parents agreed it was a good move. 

This may seem silly but as soon as I came in and saw the picture of the first vision 
I knew this was where I was supposed to be. I felt that this semester was going to be good. 
And I got through unpacking as fast as I could because seeing all the crap
{yes I called my stuff crap} all over the floor was driving me crazy.
I think its been the fast unpacking of my life. 

My parents spoiled me with food and new pillows
and not to mention the new bike I'll be getting in the mail sometime.  

So I'll give you a small tour of my new room. 

{Bathroom for 2}

{why hello man with a mustache}

{that's just my half of the room}

 {did I mention I get my own closet}

{Audrey, Paris, Faith, and Mustaches go together}

I went to the temple this morning to make me feel better. 
All this change in one day and sorta feeling left out. 
Its the fast I have ever been through the temple in Rexburg for baptisms. 

 {Rexburg how I've missed you and your fantabulous} 

I'm really glad that the temple is a lot closer this semester. 
I feel like I'll be going their a lot this semester. 

I'm looking forwaard to all the adventures that will happen this semester 
and from living in a new location. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2 days...

I've been counting down the days for this weekend to final come. 
I'm ready for the new adventure of living in a new apartment complex.
With my new found confidence and openness{thank you waitress-ing}
I'm ready to take on Spring 2012 

This time coming home has been a major blessing. 
I was blessed with a decent job that has helped my confidence in meeting people immensely. 
It gave me the chance to prove that when I came home in 2011 
wasn't me. That was a miserable sick me. 
Now its a happy, funny, and random. I'm fun to be around. 
I've built stronger relationships with all of my family members. 

I learned how much of a pal I am instead of gal. {read more here
Trust me I'm learning. 
I really liked what my Bishop from my singles ward said to me last Sunday. 
At one point he had me crying because he was telling me about what wonderful girl I am. 
And most people know I just laugh that kind 
of thing off because I don't think its true. 
He gave me counsel I needed to hear.
I wish he could be my bishop in Rexy but alas that is not happening. 

I've learned how much I really hate the packing and unpacking of things. 
It stresses me out way to much.
I'm trying to tackle this madness + more.

I really don't realize what I have until I pack. Ah!
I hate it! Its to much change in 1 day. 

{The only picture I have from Easter. Supper Hot I know}

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Ever since I watched Muppet Treasure Island and Muppet's From Space, 
I have loved these crazy puppets. 
Don't know why. Maybe its the clean and cheesey humor. 

I did indulge myself in getting Seasons 1 & 2 of the Original Muppet Show 
from the lovely 70s and I am in love. {And Yes 

I wish we had more programming like it today on TV. 
Something everybody can watch and not get offended. 

So I leave you this funny video

Is that disgusting?!
Hope this gave you a smile! :)

He is Risen

Today is a day that I am grateful for every year. 
Just like Christmas it reminds me of the great love my Savior had for me. 
He has given me the gift of life and renewal. 
He loved me so much He sacrificed his life for me and you. 

I know He lives.
I know He gave each of us the gift of the atonement. 
I know He is Heavenly Father's Son. 
I know that through Him I am made clean from my sins. 
I know Jesus is the Christ. 
I know His Gospel is True. 
I know He has given me life. 
I know he loves me, he died for me. 

So this Easter, and every day of the year. 
Remember what the Savior has done for you. 

I find this video inspiring:
Its the final testimony of Bruce R. McConkie

And this one too:

And check this post from last year.

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.

Christ Lives.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I want to write more about the Savior on this Easter Holiday but 
I'm sooo tired from work.
So I leave you with one of my favorite songs about the 
sacrifice made by my older Brother, Jesus Christ. 
His love for me amazes me everyday!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

i like myself!

Today was looking crummy. 
This happens every so often where I just want to hide in a hole. 
But then I remembered President Uchedorf's inspired words. 
Stop it. 
By choosing to stop it I felt better. 
I was choosing to be happy with myself and feeling gratitude I get to be my self. 
Gratitude I have my special talents. 
I remember I have so much to be proud of.
I shouldn't be upset about what some dumb boy said.
Or what a customer said about me.
Or the fact that some people aren't satisfied that I'm not married.
{trust me people it will happen someday. that i believe} 
Heavenly Father loves me and so do a lot of other people.

i like myself 
by karen beaumont

i like myself!
i'm glad i'm me.
there's no one else i'd rather be. 
i like my eyes, my ears, my nose.
i like my fingers and my toes. 
i like me wild.
i like me tame.
i like me different and the same. 
I like me fast. 
i like me slow. 
i like me everywhere i go. 
i like me on the inside, too, for all I think and say and do. 
inside, outside, upside down, from head to toe and all around, i like it all!
it is all me!
and me is all I want to be.
and i don't care in any way what someone else may think or say.
i may be called a silly nut or crazy cuckoo bird--so what?
i'm having to much fun, you see, for anything to bother me!
even when i look a mess, i still don't like me any less, 
'cause nothing in this world, you know, 
can change what's deep inside, and so...
no matter if they stop and star, 
no person ever anywhere can make me feel that what they see
is all there really is to me.
i'd still like me with fleas or warts, or with a silly snout that snorts,
or knobby knees or hibbo hips or purple polka-dotted lips, 
or beaver breath or stinky toes or horns protruding from my nose, 
or-yikes!-with all down my spine or hair that's like a porcupine. 

i still would be the same you see...
i like myself because i'm me!

So if you are feeling sad now, stop it. 
The best way to change it is to stop it and choose to be happy. 

I realize I write a lot about this stuff because when I conquer something to be happy 
its a break through for me. My goal is to be a happier person. 
And yes that starts with being happy with me!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Good Things

Mormon Holiday Weekend. I love General Conference so much. 
Sometimes I wish we could have it more but I realize it would lose its
affect. Many things I needed to hear from this conference.
Thank goodness for the Ensign and podcasts.

Spending time with my Grandma Dandy. This lady had a birthday this weekend.
I love talking with her about anything. She's pretty amazing. 

Pizza Pie Cafe with my extended family. My youngest cousin 
makes me laugh. And having a heated discussion about
people who leave the church and can't leave it alone.

Being with my family again. They left for St. Geezy while
I stayed home to work and take care of the dog and chickens. 

Taking my siblings for Jamba Juice. First Time and they loved it. 
But who ever doesn't like jamba is weird. 

Getting a new sign for the apartment. 

french toast. 

My skin is clearing up. I've lost weight. I feel good about myself. 
I think this girl is ready to be back at school