Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2 days...

I've been counting down the days for this weekend to final come. 
I'm ready for the new adventure of living in a new apartment complex.
With my new found confidence and openness{thank you waitress-ing}
I'm ready to take on Spring 2012 

This time coming home has been a major blessing. 
I was blessed with a decent job that has helped my confidence in meeting people immensely. 
It gave me the chance to prove that when I came home in 2011 
wasn't me. That was a miserable sick me. 
Now its a happy, funny, and random. I'm fun to be around. 
I've built stronger relationships with all of my family members. 

I learned how much of a pal I am instead of gal. {read more here
Trust me I'm learning. 
I really liked what my Bishop from my singles ward said to me last Sunday. 
At one point he had me crying because he was telling me about what wonderful girl I am. 
And most people know I just laugh that kind 
of thing off because I don't think its true. 
He gave me counsel I needed to hear.
I wish he could be my bishop in Rexy but alas that is not happening. 

I've learned how much I really hate the packing and unpacking of things. 
It stresses me out way to much.
I'm trying to tackle this madness + more.

I really don't realize what I have until I pack. Ah!
I hate it! Its to much change in 1 day. 

{The only picture I have from Easter. Supper Hot I know}

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