Sunday, April 1, 2012

Good Things

Mormon Holiday Weekend. I love General Conference so much. 
Sometimes I wish we could have it more but I realize it would lose its
affect. Many things I needed to hear from this conference.
Thank goodness for the Ensign and podcasts.

Spending time with my Grandma Dandy. This lady had a birthday this weekend.
I love talking with her about anything. She's pretty amazing. 

Pizza Pie Cafe with my extended family. My youngest cousin 
makes me laugh. And having a heated discussion about
people who leave the church and can't leave it alone.

Being with my family again. They left for St. Geezy while
I stayed home to work and take care of the dog and chickens. 

Taking my siblings for Jamba Juice. First Time and they loved it. 
But who ever doesn't like jamba is weird. 

Getting a new sign for the apartment. 

french toast. 

My skin is clearing up. I've lost weight. I feel good about myself. 
I think this girl is ready to be back at school 


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