Tuesday, April 3, 2012

i like myself!

Today was looking crummy. 
This happens every so often where I just want to hide in a hole. 
But then I remembered President Uchedorf's inspired words. 
Stop it. 
By choosing to stop it I felt better. 
I was choosing to be happy with myself and feeling gratitude I get to be my self. 
Gratitude I have my special talents. 
I remember I have so much to be proud of.
I shouldn't be upset about what some dumb boy said.
Or what a customer said about me.
Or the fact that some people aren't satisfied that I'm not married.
{trust me people it will happen someday. that i believe} 
Heavenly Father loves me and so do a lot of other people.

i like myself 
by karen beaumont

i like myself!
i'm glad i'm me.
there's no one else i'd rather be. 
i like my eyes, my ears, my nose.
i like my fingers and my toes. 
i like me wild.
i like me tame.
i like me different and the same. 
I like me fast. 
i like me slow. 
i like me everywhere i go. 
i like me on the inside, too, for all I think and say and do. 
inside, outside, upside down, from head to toe and all around, i like it all!
it is all me!
and me is all I want to be.
and i don't care in any way what someone else may think or say.
i may be called a silly nut or crazy cuckoo bird--so what?
i'm having to much fun, you see, for anything to bother me!
even when i look a mess, i still don't like me any less, 
'cause nothing in this world, you know, 
can change what's deep inside, and so...
no matter if they stop and star, 
no person ever anywhere can make me feel that what they see
is all there really is to me.
i'd still like me with fleas or warts, or with a silly snout that snorts,
or knobby knees or hibbo hips or purple polka-dotted lips, 
or beaver breath or stinky toes or horns protruding from my nose, 
or-yikes!-with all down my spine or hair that's like a porcupine. 

i still would be the same you see...
i like myself because i'm me!

So if you are feeling sad now, stop it. 
The best way to change it is to stop it and choose to be happy. 

I realize I write a lot about this stuff because when I conquer something to be happy 
its a break through for me. My goal is to be a happier person. 
And yes that starts with being happy with me!

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