Monday, April 16, 2012


{1} When a guy mistakes my talking to him as a friend and thinking I 
have a super big crush on him. And he stops talking to me.
 Happens to me all the time. 

{2} That out of place feeling I feel for a while when I move back to Rexburg. 

{3} Forgetting a list of things back at home. And realizing it once you have 
everything unpacked at your new apartment.

{4}Sourdough Bread. yuck. 

{5} Facebook. I still kinda hate it. I'm contemplating in getting rid of it again. 
That or deleting a lot of people. 

{6} Not wanting to cook because nothing you fix sounds good. 
I miss someone else cooking for me a lot!

{7} Friends that stop texting you

{8} Finding out a friend that you thought was going to be in Rexburg. 
Isn't coming back. 

{9} Jerks. Especially the ones that call you sir when your a definitely a Miss.

1 comment:

  1. C,

    Are any of these about me? Because I love you even if I am terrible at staying in touch.

