Friday, April 27, 2012

Dear Boy {28} njëzet e tetë

dear wet as a dog,
thanks for stopping and
talking to me for a while.
thats never happened
runner girl

dear fhe brother i didn't know i had from last fall,
yeah super awkward. i think
you need to find some new
friends that influence you to
make better choices.
-still in shock and awe

dear boy,
consider yourself next to fruit cup.
meaning i'm forgetting about you.
thanks for being my friend though.
and just know when you come to
disappointments you never

dear boys on campus,
aviators good? i think so because of
all the double takes and smiles.
so i take that as a yes keep wearing them.
-girl who loves her aviators

dear mr. full of himself
it doesn't look good. honestly your
attraction meter went down 100
points. there's a thing called humility.
you should try it sometime.
-girl not impressed

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