Wednesday, April 18, 2012

BYU-I Gems

I am so happy I am back at school. 
Life really gets exciting on a college campus. 
I've been lucky to have some super hilarious teachers this semester. 

Seeing all these gorgeous boys makes me realize 
what a drought I have been living in. 

Learning about the Family and Marriage. 
It really makes you want to protect the things that are really good. 

My French teacher is always making fun of her culture and Americans. 
She excuses our American accents and makes the silliest faces. 
So far the class as been exciting. 

My Art History Teacher. He always has something coming out of his mouth. 
First class today and he's talking about nudity and nakedness like its nothing. 

And of course Brother Franson telling us to write about the horrible 
children we babysat when we were younger for our introduction. 
Telling us to write stuff about what we would do to 
try and escape prison. He seems like a really neat guy and can't 
wait to learn from his expertise in Graphic Design. {I'm going to start giving 
typographic advice on my blog :)}

And in honor of me learning French I give you some songs {some favorites} to enjoy. 

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