Sunday, July 31, 2011

Those Pictures I Promised

So I am finally showing the many adventures I had in Logan. 
It was a lot of fun {except the part where Lauren kept kicking in her sleep}
When we got there we got our car unloaded and loaded up in Grandma Dandy's car.

We took a little drive to the Pepperidge Farm factory in Richmond.

Went to the Fatboy Factory and went to Casper's for some ice cream!

 Next day we went to some antique shops and got some treats.
No trip to Logan is complete without Aggie Ice Cream

No ice cream even compares to Aggie Ice Cream, I wish I had a constant supply of it.
But then again I would be fat and I wouldn't want that so....I'll take it when I'm visiting!

And yes my face is really red-in pursuit of clear skin I dried
my skin out even more to the point it was fried {used a moisturizer that I shouldn't have}.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dear Boys part zortzi

{This going to be short like I said before}

Dear Boys on Campus,
I'm really missing you, even if
you gave me a headache you
did make life more fun.
Girl visiting home

Dear boy,
I thought you looked pretty
darn handsome, then you turned
and I saw an earring in your ear
, then I thought you weren't so
handsome after all.

Carl's Junior

Dear Boy,
I wish I could make
you super full with all
the treats and yummy
food that I make.

Girl Waiting

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I'm leaving for Logan and I'm leaving the lappy behind. 
I feel like a need a break from the technology.
Sorry to deprive you of whimsical wednesday again. 
I actually had one planned {Audrey Hepburn-Next Week I promise to do it}.
Have a fun week and I'll have fun away from Facebook and the blogging. 
I'll take pictures of my adventures and have them up Friday Night if 
I'm not to tired dancing after with Austrians and Russians(thats another story for another day)
Hope you're enjoying your summer and I get to enjoy my 1 week of freedom before 
I become a slave to my job{I love it and its good money for school}
Have a happy rest of the week and I'll be back soon!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday's {Thoughts}

One day out in the garden and I'm going through allergies again! What is this!
I can only imagine what Grain Harvest will be like!

Pure joy is being weird with your brother while you are jumping on the trampoline.
I think I'll wear mustaches with that kid today! He deserves a post too!

You know its going to be a good day when you listen to Iration or
just plain reggae in general.

My parents are so cute at their age! :) My dad has been picking
Day Lilies out of our flower garden for my mom and 
she gets so excited about it. That is true love right their folks!

Once you unleash  your inner artist even the simplest thing becomes 
the most interesting you've seen. 

I could just stay in a raspberry patch all day just picking raspberries and eating them.

Potter Puppet Pal Videos are more hilarious with a little brother.

I think its time for me to paint and draw some more. And it is 
time to share more of my artwork.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Meet Mia

In honor of the 2 new Girls from Taiwan staying with us in the next couple of week
I thought I would introduce you to Mia!

Mia stayed with us last year and I  love her so much!
I had lots of fun with Mia and granted that could be because it was during July and not August.
(Grain Harvest is in August and I sometimes will stay pretty late, limiting time with the girls)

Awww I miss her everyday!
She is such sweet girl!
She loves Sponge Bob and watching movies.
She loves going fast in Rosemary(the purple van!
We would take her back in a heart beat!

I love you Mia and you are always in my prayers and thoughts!

Favorite Quotes from the weekend

{The Doctor had told me I may have a type of acne on the side of my nose that old people get}
"I thought the things on the side of your nose were senile Acne."
"No, but that still happens to old people except the go crazy." 

Watching the preview for Captain America, and when the guy comes out of the machine all full of muscle and has grown a foot, my sisters at the exact same time, "Oh my gosh..."-drool was running down their faces. :)

Carter turns to me during HP7:2 after Voldemort hugs Malfoy, "That was one weird hug!"

"She'll be that roommate or co-worker who eats other peoples food, even if their name is written on it."

"Dear, thanks for being the best, most beautiful, awesome wife ever"
I turn to  my Dad and say"There is no charge for attractiveness or awesomeness!"
We burst up laughing.

"I think the word Pothead should be used more"

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Final Project

So I'm just barely finishing up my final class which is Design and Color. 
I had a lot more fun with this class than my Drawing 110 class which was death.
(But hey I passed it and won't have to take it again!)
The color part just made it better.
Graphite and Charcoal can get pretty boring and messy.
I would much rather get paint messy for sure!
I still had a love/hate relationship with it because it was an online class.
I hate online classes and I really hate them if they are an art class. 
If its an art class I like to be in the same room as my teacher.

So I thought I would share my final project with you.
It took up to 16 hours of all picking it out. Making a value composition of it.
And Final painting it. 
I hope you like! Cause I sure do!

I promise to get up a better scan of it!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dear Boys part 七個

 I'll be confined in a scale house for 7 weeks with nothing but
 truck drivers and the occasional farmer coming in to see what
the heck is wrong with his grain.  So I'll do my best in keeping
up with Dear Boys just realize they won't be that exciting. I don't
think you'll want hear about the people a meet at work.

Dear Viking Village 107,
Best FHE brothers ever, I've said it
so many times. We have had
a lot of good times. Thanks for
taking care of us in 204!

Chloe and La Jolla 204
P.S. Here is a song dedicated just for you. Joey
we still need to go in front of Wendy's and
dance to this by the road. Everyone will be jealous!

Dear S, 
I'll miss you for the 7 week break. 
We'll be reunited soon and will have
the other S with us. Then we can do
our "dirty deed". :)

Dear Boys on Campus, 
I think I'll wear my Aviators more
often. Are you giving be double
 takes 'cause I'm so gorgeous
 or I'm just intimidating. I'll see 
you in 7 weeks and hopefully 
you giving  me headaches 
will have stopped. 
Peace out!
Babe in Aviator Sunglasses

Dear Random Guy, 
We had a cool conversation 
while waiting to get in the Testing
Center to actually take our test. 
It was fun. 
-Girl waiting in Line 

Dear Boy, 
I promised myself I wouldn't write to you again
but it actually makes me happy that I write you. 
Someday you'll read these little letters and  
smile. Don't be surprised if I throw mud in 
your face for fun. I'm no delicate thing! :)
girl waiting
 P.S. I have a song just for you too

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dear {Blank} Special!

I'm so excited for tomorrow I could wet my pants!!! Ok, Ok
I probably won't wet my pants. Sorry to crush your dreams.

So for today rather than just my dear boys post
I'm going to do what Dear what ever I feel like!:)

Dear Testing Center,
You no longer scare me. I've
got some decent test scores
to prove it!

girl with testing anxiety

Dear girls on campus,
I realize why you were wearing
skirts so much. that is all.

-a dedicated pant wearer

Dear Refrigerator,
This is the barest you've
been all semester.
the starving college student

Dear Peanut Butter,
Thanks for filling me up!
Its been quite of week of
really nothing to eat.

the peanut butter monster

why must you be so difficult!

Dear Nose,
I'm glad you are feeling better.
Now if only you could convince
Knee to do the same thing,


Dear Meagan,
I need to see you before I leave!
I love you and need some
cat lovin' from you!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Growing Up

You know you are growing up when you have to go to the doctor by yourself.
I went to a dermatologist today and lets say it was plain weird!
My mom wasn't with me! And I had to answer the question myself
and ask questions myself. I felt old--not going to lie.

They had to shave off some skin of my face! They weren't sure
if  it was considered a zit or a mole! Honestly just gross!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I hope I get all my skin cleared up from this experience.
My nose really hurts right now that the numbness is going away :(
They may have to shave off some more when I come back from break.

Plus I'm sad cause I'm not living with Alba and Tracey anymore.
If you couldn't tell I really  love those girls a lot!

They are gorgeous, smart, talented, hilarious, fun, awesome girls!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday's {Thoughts}

Yeah I like to show a little ankle on campus...I like a little risk :)

Nice, Mean, Sane, or Insane I'll probably blog about you. 
No hard feelings-that's just life :)

I miss Mia everyday, I wish she could back 
and live with us again this August!

A friend told me he could tell what kind of day
I was having by reading my blog. I'm glad my friends know me well. 

I'm sorry if I seem a cynic about boys-it happens involuntary.

I'm looking forward to doesn't have any due dates.

I'm leaving hormone crazed adults on campus to hormone crazed
teenagers back home. This should be fun. 

Reggae-My new genre of music that I love-Thanks Alba and Trace!

Sometimes a girl just needs to cry and let it out.
Crying isn't a sign of weakness; It means you've been strong for too long.

I expect others to not give up on me and to love me as I am.
 I should do the same thing for myself.

I am confident but I still have my moments of self-doubt.

My Heavenly Father knows whats best for me. I may not understand it at first
and that's is where the faith and trust comes in.
I just need to remember being patient for my desires is important because
God wants those things to happen when I'm really ready. 
Not when I think I'm ready.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Girls and Apples

are like apples
on trees. The best ones
are at the top of the tree.
The boys don’t want to reach
for the good ones because they
 are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples
from the ground that aren’t as good,
but easy. So the apples at the top think
something is wrong with them, when in
reality, they’re amazing. They just
have to wait for the right boy to
come along, the one who’s
brave enough to
 climb all
the way
to the top
of the tree.

So I just love this poem, a good friend gave 
this to me and I've had it
hanging on my wall ever since. 
Just a reminder that nothing is wrong with me. 
I'm perfectly fine the way I am. 
I was also listening to a song
and it made a reference to apples in being picked
by the right boy! I just had to share!

 Like an apple on a tree
Hiding out behind the leaves
I was difficult to reach 
But you still picked me

Ah hope its a wonderful thing!
I'm such a girl! 
{If you want a print out of the poem, 
I'll email you the PDF. Leave a comment!}

Murphy's Laws

{If you haven't noticed, I've been using no pictures or old pictures in posts.
I've been without my camera. I left it the last time I went home. 
Sorry. I should have some pictures this week from roommates 
So I hope you have been enjoying the picture-less posts.}

You like a boy, boy doesn't like you back.
Different boy likes you, you don't like him back.

You do the assignment-teacher changes the due date.
You don't do the assignment, its due that day. 

If its going to feel a lot longer 
than it is when you wait for something.

Anything that can go wrong, it will. 

Nothing is as easy as it looks.

If everything seems to be going well, 
its time for a reality check.

Mother Nature is a let's just say she's hormonal

In order to get a personal loan you must prove that you don't need it.

When something is broken and you take it in to get fixed, it starts working again.

Once you lose something and you replace it, the lost item will reappear.

When waiting for traffic, chances are that when one lane clears the other is congested.

If you apply Murphy's Law, it will no longer be applicable.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


 I can't wait to party with my sisters!
We have so much fun together: doing silly crazy things,
quoting movies like none other, watching glee, doing 
each others hair and makeup! I love them so darn much!
I can't believe how fast they are growing up (Lauren about turn 15, Aubrie 16)
and me too(Gah I'm almost 20). I have the most gorgeous sisters ever!

 Don't believe me, well you must be blind. 
(or ask the boys that come over to my house all the time just for them)
 Bunch of Sillies!

Looking at these pictures makes me realize we need to take a new one of us together 
(I have some from earlier this year but lets just say I really don't want to share them, I was a fatty)
  We look too little in these pictures!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Blog Lovin'

SO time to talk about some blogs that I love!
Giving you some reading material while I'm home for the 7 week break
because Dear boys, might lack when I'm at home working we shall 
see. You may get other great stuff cause when its slow at work some great
things could come out of my head. 

I follow a lot of blogs and I try my best to keep up on most of them but
alas I am at college and don't have all the time in the world to read 
all of them. These are my favorite and you should 
go check them out! Show them some blog lovin' and even follow them!

I started following this blog because everybody else was following it.
Sure glad I did!! Its about
fashion, life, awkward and awesomeness. Sydney is super adorable and
hilarious. Go check it out, you'll be glad you did.

Inspiring story of a girl married in the temple and divorced 6 months later.
Ashley is a sweet girl! She is honest in how she feels. 
She shares the good and the bad. She has truly touched 
my heart with her strength and her testimony.

Awww Janeen, such a fun girl! She talks about every day life
and the things she love. She has a knack for fashion, books, and music.
I've met her several times thanks to my high schools rivalry against her's.

Pure Genius! She is the brain child behind Dear Boys. All the credit for that
goes to her. What can I say she is just awesome and full of life.
Never a boring post by her and they always makes me smile!

Erin loves art, fashion, Harry Potter, and anything lovely.
Randomly found her blog through the blogging community, thank you. 
I've been hooked ever since! I should meet her sometime...
she goes to school at BYU-I!

Do you have fabulous blog?
Tell me about it{leave a comment}...follow mine and I'll return the favor!

Dear Boys part enam

Dear 5,
You broke up with you gf. I
decided to flirt it up a bit. You
stayed the same. I realized
I'm really not your type.


Dear S,
We go creep on the jerks, eat ice
cream, go for a run. It's fun! Thanks
for being a great Home Teacher.
Love, C

Dear Boys,
I still see to many single, gorgeous
girls on campus. Ask them out!
(not me, THEM!)
a concerned girl

Dear getting tan,
You're a guy. You're laying out.
You're honestly creeping my out!
Go play ball with you buddies
and get a tan like a real man.
disturbed girl

Dear Sweaty Boy,
You look just like Finn(Glee). Thanks
for working out right in front of me. To
bad you have a girlfriend.

-biking girl

Dear Boy,
I'm still waiting and dreaming. I've decided I need to
stop thinking about you so much and preparing myself
instead. Doing things that make me happy so you can
see me happy. I'll keep waiting but not thinking
to much. When we find each other, we'll make others
Girl waiting

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Keep moving forward

Sorry you didn't get graced with a {Whimsical} Wednesday.
I'm cramming for finals and finishing up projects. (plus  nothing whimsical to talk about right now)
You're lucky you're getting one know during my study break

So I'm excited for another chapter of College to wrap up.
Things I will miss:
Alba, Tracey, and me doing anything from Egin lake to a Sno cone run or a movie
Living with Alba and Tracey :) we got along so well
My awesome FHE Brothers this semester-they set the standard high for future ones 
The warm weather-it has made this semester so much more fun
Sno Cones- their a cheap treat
studying outside
The gorgeous wildlife on campus- sadly the good-looking guys aren't around in the fall

Things I won't miss:
Getting my first kiss-awful experience
Science  Foundations-blagch!
My online design and color class-definitely a love hate relationship
getting a leech 
the apartment being super hot at night where you can't get asleep

Things I'm looking forward to:
SHARLA IS COMING BACK {hopefully, knock on wood}
Intro to Graphic Design class with Shane plus other new classes
After this upcoming 3rd semester I'll only have a handful of classes
left until I could get my associates degree
New Roommates-they look fun
New ward-new faces
I get to be a trainer for the Biggest Winner program on Campus
Temple to Temple Relay
Maybe even a Cross Country Coach on Campus
Working out at the Hart Field house we Sharla
{yet again, knock on wood don't want to jinx it}

I generally speaking I'm looking forward to next semester. 
Have good feelings.
I've finally learned how to be happy by myself-its a choice {still learning to get a hang of it}
Things are looking bright

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. 
We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing 
new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
–Walt Disney

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday's {Thoughts}

Girls on campus need to learn 2 things. 
1-Learn to wear a camisole or something and a slip.
I'm tired of seeing things that shouldn't be seen. Yeah you're skirts
are see through and I'm tired of the bra line.
2-Learn to stand up straight and suck in your stomach.
Trust me you'll be surprised how skinny you'll look and how 
your clothes will actually fit. 

Rexburg don't be hating the college students.
You would be poor if we weren't here. 

Is being single the new couple? That sounded a lot better in my head.

Colbie Caillat: All of You = loveliness. Can I just go to an actual beach on the west coast!

Harry Potter 7 part 2 is finally here. I think I would still be content if they prolong it
so I can keep living the dream! I'm going to cry when its over cause the
movies have kept Harry alive even though the 
books are over. Gah! We'll see if I'm free enough to go to the 
midnight premier.

I would like to know what God was thinking when he created mosquitoes. Just sayin'.

I'M READY TO GO HOME!! Less than 2 weeks!

Blogging: its cheaper than therapy and its the closest thing I have to a boyfriend

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh so pretty...

{I got compliments about this picture and it made me feel good}

Sometimes a girl just needs to hear that she's beautiful, gorgeous, or pretty.
It boosts her confidences and makes her feel even more lovely.

From the Audrey Hepburn her self:
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; 
for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; 
and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. 

I feel the most beautiful when: 
I am loving who I am;
I'm trying to work on my inner-beauty
I am happy
I am helping others
I'm taking care of myself
I love my flaws and imperfections
when I make the choice to

There is a balance.
We do need to look our best {outer beauty}.
That doesn't mean exposing ourselves.
It means showing respect for the gift {our beautiful bodies} Heavenly Father has given us. 
Inner Beauty is our spirit. {it was created before our body} 
How we act and react in life shows our inner beauty.
Combine Inner Beauty with Outer Beauty, you get
the most gorgeous girl in the world. 

I have a lot of friends that have it down.
I'm still trying to find that balance.
You find yourself pretty as soon as you start loving yourself.

As for me, I wouldn't want to be anybody else:)

Have a beautiful week!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Things on my mind

{1}Recently I've thought about going on a mission.
 I thinking its something that will help me grow more

{2}Fashion Design, Graphic Design, or Interior Design?

{3}My mom-I miss her a lot...calling doesn't do any justice

{4} Harry Potter 7 part 2-I can't believe its coming to the end! gah!

{5}Bananas, I can't believe I actually like them

{6} Patriarchal Blessing, it helps me a lot

{7} Its time to go home-it'll finally feel like summer

{8} Does the all my friends are getting engaged weirdness ever
feel normal?

{9} Ready for grain harvest

{10} Change is good, real good

{11}Why do I feel so impatient about things...

{12}I'm eventually going to get a private room at while I'm at school

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dear Boys part fünf

Dear Nutrition Boy,
We seem to run into each other a lot on campus.
I'm just glad you wave at me with out me making
a scene!

Nutrition Girl

Dear Boy,
You sat across the room looking darn gorgeous.
We both caught each others eye. Then you
left before I tried to come and talk to you.

Girl at a different table

Dear Hot, Sweaty Men,
You make rehabilitating my knee more
enjoyable. I'll make sure to keep my-
self from drooling.

sweaty girl

Dear Dad,
You are still my favorite. Thanks
for always taking care of me.
We should go to the driving range
your first born child

Dear little brother,
Thanks for making my weekend
awesome! You are my favorite!

your oldest sister

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Some Where Only We Know

This semester has been different. 
Good -  I was able to manage better; it was more about school;
its been more about being happy 
Bad- I've been naive about the drama that comes from living with girls; 
it can be disappointing when you've focused on the school and 
still your grades aren't what you want them to be;

This has been a good semester it has taught me a lot. 
It exceeded my expectation of being a lame 
semester; it has been so much fun! I'm just glad I had a semester under my belt.
I've been able to handle situations better and been more forgiving of others.
I've gotten more out of my shell. By next semester I'm sure to stick my whole head and neck out. 

I learned to deal on my own with no best friend with me in Rexburg.
I've found my mom will always be my best friend; you would have never heard those
 words when I was teenager. Moving away from home changes things
I can call crying and frustrated ready to give up;She makes sure I won't give up. 
Thank goodness for Mothers :)! 
She understands me.

I could rant forever about everything that has gone wrong and right this semester.
There's no point, I learned from it.
I'm a stronger girl from it and it's just better to remember the good times. 
So in 2 weeks I'll be returning somewhere only we know.
That somewhere is home. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Oh mama!

 I have found a new favorite place. 
I don't know why its taken me this long to get to the Hart Field house. 
So here is what I have to say:
Oh mama, I don't think I've ever been to a place where so many 
hot, sweaty men are all in the same room. 
They even smile back at me!!
Ah nothing like hot sweaty men to make me gawk like a crazed BYU-I girl!

{Whimsical} Wednesday: L-O-V-E

Even though I may seem like a cynic about love sometimes I absolutely 
love it. I guess its just the believing in myself part that I am a cynic about or I'm jealous.
Lately I've been having a hard time thinking somebody is going to fall in love with me.

I went to 2 wedding receptions while I was home for the weekend.
Both were beautiful.
All I can say is I want to be married in the late summer.
When its nice and warm outside.
But I'm really not in control of it and I'll be happy whenever I get married.

After going to one particular reception I can say I'm having a complete theme. 
Its going to go in the clothes, announcements, receptions, refreshments, ect.
I found it so adorable.

Through stumble upon {favorite website ever!}
I stumbled across this wedding dress.

{I would love it in white too! Maybe I'll design my dress}

{I always wanted daisies(they're overused now) but now I want and love anemone flowers.}

I want Navy Blue as one of my main colors. Either with a red or yellow or pink or light green.
I even like teal with yellow or a red-orange.

{I want fun polka dots}

I want so much more but I really don't want to get that detailed until I'm actually engaged  :)

I love weddings and love. I may get frustrated about it more than I should but I'm learning.
Being single is good. Its teaching me things and allowing me to grow.
I know he's out there its just a matter of being ready and being in the right place
at the right time. It's teaching me patience.
It'll will be so much sweeter and wonderful if I wait, instead of throwing myself around.

I leave you with this parting gift. My new favorite song.
I know someday I'll be a boy's favorite girl!

Have a Whimsical Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday's {Thoughts}

Only 3 weeks left of this semester! I can do this

where PDA is encouraged and your screaming child is welcome to class
where girls would marry a tree if trees served missions 
where boys can be dumb
where you might as well walk cause biking is walking speed

Do some of these newer apartments not know what an a/c is?

I always wonder why people say that BYU-I is tall...all I see is short people.

There's no need for controlling your uncontrollable life. I've seen it back fire
to many times on myself.

My arch nemesis is actually myself....

Honestly the guy I'm going to marry someday is probably lost.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Dear Boys part katër

Dear Boy,
You keep staring at me in class.
You can sit be me, I promise
I don't bite.

girl across the classroom

Dear BYU-I couples,
As much as I love love, you're
giving me a headache. I walk through
Porter Park and my eyes are
constantly rolling. Stop rubbing
your PDA poo in my face.


Dear FHE Brothers,
You are definitely my favorites!
Let's do something awesome

Dear Green Man,
Some may say our friendship is weird.
Honestly they're just jealous of how
awesome we are!
girl wearing normal clothes

Dear D,


Dear Boy,
I'm still thinking about you a lot.
I wonder if you think about me.
Girl waiting

Make sure to go give Elise's Pieces some love!!