Thursday, July 7, 2011

Some Where Only We Know

This semester has been different. 
Good -  I was able to manage better; it was more about school;
its been more about being happy 
Bad- I've been naive about the drama that comes from living with girls; 
it can be disappointing when you've focused on the school and 
still your grades aren't what you want them to be;

This has been a good semester it has taught me a lot. 
It exceeded my expectation of being a lame 
semester; it has been so much fun! I'm just glad I had a semester under my belt.
I've been able to handle situations better and been more forgiving of others.
I've gotten more out of my shell. By next semester I'm sure to stick my whole head and neck out. 

I learned to deal on my own with no best friend with me in Rexburg.
I've found my mom will always be my best friend; you would have never heard those
 words when I was teenager. Moving away from home changes things
I can call crying and frustrated ready to give up;She makes sure I won't give up. 
Thank goodness for Mothers :)! 
She understands me.

I could rant forever about everything that has gone wrong and right this semester.
There's no point, I learned from it.
I'm a stronger girl from it and it's just better to remember the good times. 
So in 2 weeks I'll be returning somewhere only we know.
That somewhere is home. 

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