Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday's {Thoughts}

Yeah I like to show a little ankle on campus...I like a little risk :)

Nice, Mean, Sane, or Insane I'll probably blog about you. 
No hard feelings-that's just life :)

I miss Mia everyday, I wish she could back 
and live with us again this August!

A friend told me he could tell what kind of day
I was having by reading my blog. I'm glad my friends know me well. 

I'm sorry if I seem a cynic about boys-it happens involuntary.

I'm looking forward to work...it doesn't have any due dates.

I'm leaving hormone crazed adults on campus to hormone crazed
teenagers back home. This should be fun. 

Reggae-My new genre of music that I love-Thanks Alba and Trace!

Sometimes a girl just needs to cry and let it out.
Crying isn't a sign of weakness; It means you've been strong for too long.

I expect others to not give up on me and to love me as I am.
 I should do the same thing for myself.

I am confident but I still have my moments of self-doubt.

My Heavenly Father knows whats best for me. I may not understand it at first
and that's is where the faith and trust comes in.
I just need to remember being patient for my desires is important because
God wants those things to happen when I'm really ready. 
Not when I think I'm ready.

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