Sunday, July 10, 2011

Things on my mind

{1}Recently I've thought about going on a mission.
 I thinking its something that will help me grow more

{2}Fashion Design, Graphic Design, or Interior Design?

{3}My mom-I miss her a lot...calling doesn't do any justice

{4} Harry Potter 7 part 2-I can't believe its coming to the end! gah!

{5}Bananas, I can't believe I actually like them

{6} Patriarchal Blessing, it helps me a lot

{7} Its time to go home-it'll finally feel like summer

{8} Does the all my friends are getting engaged weirdness ever
feel normal?

{9} Ready for grain harvest

{10} Change is good, real good

{11}Why do I feel so impatient about things...

{12}I'm eventually going to get a private room at while I'm at school

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