Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh so pretty...

{I got compliments about this picture and it made me feel good}

Sometimes a girl just needs to hear that she's beautiful, gorgeous, or pretty.
It boosts her confidences and makes her feel even more lovely.

From the Audrey Hepburn her self:
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; 
for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; 
and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. 

I feel the most beautiful when: 
I am loving who I am;
I'm trying to work on my inner-beauty
I am happy
I am helping others
I'm taking care of myself
I love my flaws and imperfections
when I make the choice to

There is a balance.
We do need to look our best {outer beauty}.
That doesn't mean exposing ourselves.
It means showing respect for the gift {our beautiful bodies} Heavenly Father has given us. 
Inner Beauty is our spirit. {it was created before our body} 
How we act and react in life shows our inner beauty.
Combine Inner Beauty with Outer Beauty, you get
the most gorgeous girl in the world. 

I have a lot of friends that have it down.
I'm still trying to find that balance.
You find yourself pretty as soon as you start loving yourself.

As for me, I wouldn't want to be anybody else:)

Have a beautiful week!

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