Thursday, July 14, 2011

Keep moving forward

Sorry you didn't get graced with a {Whimsical} Wednesday.
I'm cramming for finals and finishing up projects. (plus  nothing whimsical to talk about right now)
You're lucky you're getting one know during my study break

So I'm excited for another chapter of College to wrap up.
Things I will miss:
Alba, Tracey, and me doing anything from Egin lake to a Sno cone run or a movie
Living with Alba and Tracey :) we got along so well
My awesome FHE Brothers this semester-they set the standard high for future ones 
The warm weather-it has made this semester so much more fun
Sno Cones- their a cheap treat
studying outside
The gorgeous wildlife on campus- sadly the good-looking guys aren't around in the fall

Things I won't miss:
Getting my first kiss-awful experience
Science  Foundations-blagch!
My online design and color class-definitely a love hate relationship
getting a leech 
the apartment being super hot at night where you can't get asleep

Things I'm looking forward to:
SHARLA IS COMING BACK {hopefully, knock on wood}
Intro to Graphic Design class with Shane plus other new classes
After this upcoming 3rd semester I'll only have a handful of classes
left until I could get my associates degree
New Roommates-they look fun
New ward-new faces
I get to be a trainer for the Biggest Winner program on Campus
Temple to Temple Relay
Maybe even a Cross Country Coach on Campus
Working out at the Hart Field house we Sharla
{yet again, knock on wood don't want to jinx it}

I generally speaking I'm looking forward to next semester. 
Have good feelings.
I've finally learned how to be happy by myself-its a choice {still learning to get a hang of it}
Things are looking bright

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. 
We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing 
new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
–Walt Disney

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