Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday's {Thoughts}

Girls on campus need to learn 2 things. 
1-Learn to wear a camisole or something and a slip.
I'm tired of seeing things that shouldn't be seen. Yeah you're skirts
are see through and I'm tired of the bra line.
2-Learn to stand up straight and suck in your stomach.
Trust me you'll be surprised how skinny you'll look and how 
your clothes will actually fit. 

Rexburg don't be hating the college students.
You would be poor if we weren't here. 

Is being single the new couple? That sounded a lot better in my head.

Colbie Caillat: All of You = loveliness. Can I just go to an actual beach on the west coast!

Harry Potter 7 part 2 is finally here. I think I would still be content if they prolong it
so I can keep living the dream! I'm going to cry when its over cause the
movies have kept Harry alive even though the 
books are over. Gah! We'll see if I'm free enough to go to the 
midnight premier.

I would like to know what God was thinking when he created mosquitoes. Just sayin'.

I'M READY TO GO HOME!! Less than 2 weeks!

Blogging: its cheaper than therapy and its the closest thing I have to a boyfriend

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