Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Growing Up

You know you are growing up when you have to go to the doctor by yourself.
I went to a dermatologist today and lets say it was plain weird!
My mom wasn't with me! And I had to answer the question myself
and ask questions myself. I felt old--not going to lie.

They had to shave off some skin of my face! They weren't sure
if  it was considered a zit or a mole! Honestly just gross!!!!!!!!!!!!

 I hope I get all my skin cleared up from this experience.
My nose really hurts right now that the numbness is going away :(
They may have to shave off some more when I come back from break.

Plus I'm sad cause I'm not living with Alba and Tracey anymore.
If you couldn't tell I really  love those girls a lot!

They are gorgeous, smart, talented, hilarious, fun, awesome girls!

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