Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Bucket List

This is a start of my Bucket List that is and will be something of epic proportions-they are my dreams that are going to become plans
{1}Marathon-After my dad qualified for Boston, made me want to do one someday
{2} I want to learn Portuguese and French, maybe some German

{3}Get kissed in the rain
{4}I want to travel to Paris, Lisbon, Rome...Europe basically but can't forget I want to go to Taiwan and India too
      - live in a foreign country for a year
      - visit where all my ancestors are from
      - become a world traveler (I forgot Brazil up there)

{5}Do humanitarian work in a third world country
{6}Send a message in bottle

{7}Be in two countries at once
{8}Play in Central Park for a day
{9}Go Sky Diving
{10} Make a difference in someone's life
{11}Do a triathlon
{12}Fall in Love
{13}I want to be a Mother-just like my mama
{14}Jump the Mississippi
{15}Go to a temple on every continent
{16}See a Boston Red Sox Game
{17}Coast to Coast US road trip
{18}Try and get those British Guards(with the big furry hats) to talk, smile, laugh, some sort of reaction
{19}Send off a floating lantern
{20}Actually catch a fish
{21}Visit Christ's tomb
{22}Eat something that is strange, like snails or something weird like that
{23}Hot Air Balloon ride
{24}Learn how to fly a plane
{25} See the New(plus the pyramids) 7 Wonders of the world


  1. Ooh, message in a bottle. Excellent idea.

  2. This is great! But I don't think 15 is possible. Someday though I'm sure there will be a temple in Antarctica ;)
