Thursday, October 27, 2011

Living with Roommates

I've been told nothing prepares you better for marriage than having roommates.
I hope its true to some extent. I thinking living with a man is different than
living with 5 other girls who are just as hormonal as you. 
Since my birthday is coming up I'm going to give 20 things I have learned
from living with Roommates.

{1} Relax- there is no reason to be uptight
{2}Everybody has their own problems 
{3} Be quick to forgive and to let go of petty things
{4}There is hair everywhere in a girls apartment-its like having a pet
{5}Be nice even if they hurt your feelings
{6}Probably not the best idea to room with your best friend
{7}Drop the high school attitude on life
{8} Be yourself-there is 5 other girls someone's bound to like
{9}Don't be the Mom
{10}Sharing is caring-always, always share. You 
don't know when you'll need something
{11} Be silly with each other its always good to laugh
{12} Don't bring up problems at midterms-bad idea right there
{13} Always ask
{14} Have thick skin-girls will say stupid things
{15} Always call your mother girls. She knows best!
{16} Help each other out
{17}Love-even its when hard just love your roommates
{18} Roommate prayer changes things
{19} Have friends you can hang out with if something bad
happens in the apartment
{20} Always be ready to be a friend

I'll introduce my roommates of this semester in 2 weeks when I finally get my new camera!
Yes my Blue Nikon Coolpix is being replaced my a newer sliver Nikon Coolpix.

They are super stellar! I'll give you a sneak peek!

Sam- She is the one to talk to when you need someone to listen.
Shae- The ball of energy. She always moving and being active.
Kayla- She's a native of Rexburg and is always willing to share
Giovanna- She hails from Mexico and speaks excellent English
Lindsey-Always new 3rd time was a charm ;). She's the life of the party!

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