Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Quoting myself

Today a thought came to me and I just have to share it with all my gal pals.
It made me feel better about boys in general
 and something I will always keep in mind from now on!
So yes I am quoting myself. 

"We meet boys that are jerks and idiots so our actual 
Prince Charming can knock our socks off our feet. 
Its all a matter of meeting that right guy who 
realizes you are not and never will be worth losing." 

I just love the thoughts that come into my head when I walk to class.
And I love sharing it because there will be someone who can relate
and will be grateful I shared it with them. 


  1. so true.

    i thought all boys were jerks..until i met brian. just gotta be patient girl! :)
