Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Best Day

So Today was the big 2-0 Birthday.
It was the best birthday I ever had.
My family called and sang me Happy Birthday.
It was awesome. Then I talked to all of my siblings-whom I miss dearly.
Then my mom got on the phone. She asked what my plans were
and when I got done with class. Of course I asked her why she was asking me this.
She then asked," Can Dad and I take you to lunch"
Ok...I started crying...seriously I started crying. Tears of joys okay.
On Tuesday I was just having a hard time with everything
and I just wanted to go home for my birthday.
I wanted to be with my parents and siblings.
Them coming to Rexburg on my Birthday was an answered prayer!
Of course I had to go to class and make sure my clean check stuff was done.
But I got to spend the day with my parents!
They gave me the camera I wanted and my mom hung up a Happy Birthday sign in  my room.
They took me to Costa Vida, since Rexburg doesn't have Cafe Rio.
Trust me Cafe Rio is so much better!
My mom made me a cake. I got to sit and just chill with my parents.
Pretty perfect way to spend a Birthday.
I was so sad that they had to leave.
I got back to homework and regular life.
I had cake and ice cream with roommates and a friend later.
I ended the day with watching the Ringer.
It was the best day.
I definitely felt loved by all my friends.

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