Friday, November 11, 2011

Only the Cool People Came

So tonight I went to dinner with my friends to celebrate my 20th birthday. 
I'm still getting used to the idea that I'm actually 20 years old.
But before dinner Linds and I went to the mall.
We ran into Joey and John(my old FHE brothers).
Took them into Hollister because Joey has never been in there. 
After that we went our separate ways, planning on meeting up at dinner.
Of course American Eagle was a must. 
We had a stack of clothes that we tried on and it was a lot of fun trying on matching clothes
I took a gander at trying on size 6s and guess what! 
I actually fit in them! I couldn't believe it! 
I'm so grateful that my thyroid medication is working and I'm getting healthy and skinny again. 
I ended up with a $9 dollar dress from AE that was long enough to be modest. 
Of course Linds and I were late, but that really didn't matter because we had sit in wait. 
It was a lot fun just being with all my friends. 
Of course I invited a ton of people but not all came
which was okay because only cool people were allowed. 

 {I really don't know what Joey is doing}

 {Shane, Lindsey, Me, Joey, John, and Tom}

 {Shane, Linds, and I}

 {Oh Linds!}

 {Lindsay said,"We're two peas in a pod!"}

 {Love these two-always having fun!}

{Shane just wanted is burger} 

 {Sugar packet eating contest-by all means go ahead}

 {National Kissing Day anyone? anyone?}


 {I didn't realize I invited a stalker and a silly}

{How I love my Alba-she is the greatest!}

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