Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just a little Road Trip

So Linds asked if I wanted to head to Salt Lake on Wednesday!
I of course said yes and suggested we stayed at my Grandma's house in Providence, Utah. 
That way we didn't have to leave super, super early!
I wanted to sleep in a little.
The trip down was pretty exciting. 
We went through Preston and of course as soon as Lindsey heard me say
"There's the Cuttin' Curral" 
we had to stop and take pictures by this Napoleon Dynamite site.

We picked up a friend at the SLC airport.
And we made a quick stop in Temple Square for a quick visit.
I'm excited to be going again with the family in three weeks.
At night time. Of course.  Plus seeing all of my family too. 

Then after dropping our friend off in Provo (at the MTC) 
and then back to SLC again for a little Gateway shopping. 
Here are some of my favorite shots from SLC:

{Yeah I knew gas cost an arm and leg but really?}   {Urban Outfitters you make me giggle in my pants}

 {Yes...Thank you Urban Outfitters for making me smile!
A little Percy impersanation}

 {Tucanos--Meat! Meat! in my belly! And I've decided I love listening to Brazilian Music}

 {Love this girl so much! I'm going to be so sad when I leave Rexburg!}


  1. Wait! you were in Provo and you didn't even take the time to tell me! What is up with that?!

  2. It was quick and I was there for only 10 minutes! Sorry I didn't call!! Epic fail on my part! I'll call you soon we have lots to talk about!
