Saturday, November 5, 2011

It snowed!

It snowed last night! 
It was a beautiful sight. 
I really wish I had my camera then. (Wednesday :)
Big fluffy, white flakes of snow that you can catch in your mouth. 
Oh it looked and felt magical.

{Who doesn't love this Man!!}

The only problem is, its super, SUPER cold in Rexburg now. 
I actually broke down on what I have said and I'm listening to my Christmas music.
I hope this makes you happy Sharla. But I'm sure you'll call me the Grinch still. 
I couldn't help but play some today because of the snow. 
Another exciting thing is Daylight Savings ends in the wee hours of Sunday! 
How I loathe daylight savings with a fiery passion. It needs a good beating.
My sleep patterns are thrown off by it every year. I'm glad to get what feel likes an extra hour of sleep!
Enjoy the snow if you are getting some! Stay snugly and warm!

What is your favorite thing about the snow?

1 comment:

  1. Um Christmas music is SO ALLOWED!!! Especially when my husband bought me Michael Buble's Christmas Album!!! SO good!
