Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nothing Special About Today

On November 9th, 1991. At 4:45 AM. 
Troy and Becky Woodhouse welcomed their first child to the world. 
It was a healthy baby girl. 
I think I was a beautiful baby... HA!
Look what happened to me. Not so cute anymore. 

In the short 20 years of my life I have had many ups and downs. 
I've learned:
I was born into an amazing family-so glad I choose them
I am very injury prone
I am an artist
I have a voice
Life manages to work out
I'm always searching for a deeper meaning
I've been given a great responsibility of being the oldest
I do have people that love me for me
Everything around me in one way or another is art
I can be friends with complete strangers
People come into your life so you learn from them-good or bad
I'm stronger than I think
Broken hearts mend good as new
Its not about your scares its all about your heart
I'm better at being friends with boys than actually dating them
Modern medicine is a gift from my Heavenly Father
I live a blessed life
College has allowed me to blossom
Christ is my Redeemer; He lives and loves me.
I know my Heavenly Father Loves me

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