Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wish I never grew up...

I  remember those days when I just couldn't wait to be in graduated from high school, be on my own.
I remember when I couldn't wait to get into high school.
Then there were those times when I couldn't wait to get into Jr. High, 6th grade. 

Psh...somedays I wish  I could go back to that. 
Life was so much easier. 
Mom and Dad take care of you. 
You don't have to pay for things you need. Its been provided.
I really wish I could go back to when I thought boys had cooties. 
Oh wait that never happened. My parents had to pay me to not kiss boys.
Everyone believes in you.
When you get scared you can run into your parents arms.
Your family is willing to forgive you. 
Somedays I wish things were simple like that. 
No one can break your heart. 
Its just easier to be little.
Don't get me wrong I am so glad that I am a single adult women.
I get to go to school to learn something I love. 
I get to meet new people. 
I get to become the person I want to. 
Its just the con side of it all that I hate. 
Paying for things, doing everything yourself, the moments when you feel so alone.
You and your roommates may rub the wrong way.  
Those times when you just hate yourself and your mom isn't there to tell
you how wonderful you are.
The real world is a tough crowd.

Yeah I miss then. 

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