Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hello November

Its my favorite month of the year! 
Its my Father's(4th), Sister's(19th) and my(9th) birthday month. 
Oh and Phoebe's(14th) too can't forget her!
Thanksgiving is coming up!
Mashed Potatoes, Turkey, my mother's stuffing (yes it is better than all of yours!)
gravy, pie, oh the list could just go on and on.
Time to start working out a little harder to make some room to
pack some extra weight on.
Lets just say its the first month where you are feeling fat!
The snow starts to come! Snowboarding anyone? YES PLEASE!
My family goes and cuts down our Christmas tree after Thanksgiving.
I get to break out the Christmas music.
Ok I've already done that but only because its Michael Buble.
He deserves to be played early.
All other Christmas music has to wait until after Thanksgiving. I'm such a stickler. Ha!

What is your favorite thing about November? 

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