Saturday, November 12, 2011


Today was better. 
Life has been a little rough this week. 
I'm burn out from midterms...and of course my teachers have
decided to pile things on again before thanksgiving. 
But I did have my birthday and I got to spend it with my awesome friends 
and my O-mazing parents. 
But not such a fan of my feelings getting hurt.

I got to go to the Temple with Linds and Sam! 
Went in at 11 AM no snow...came out  at 2PM with 3 inches of snow. 
YAY! Snow! I didn't think I was ready for it.
I am so grateful I got to go to the temple today.
It was good to have that feeling about going home. 
Good to know my Heavenly Father loves me.
Good to get some answers and to feel at peace.
The Temple is such a wonderful thing. 

I got to do my service project with my group from Health and Wellness.
Who new that giving cookies to strangers was so much fun!
Sure brought a smile to my face. 
Then Stake Conference-Adult session. 
Got to hear about marriage for an hour. My favorite...

So today was better and I'm feeling better about things.
Life is good-sometimes I need to be reminded.

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