Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day!

Did you have a good Thanksgiving?
Mine was spectacular. 
It was the first Thanksgiving with just the 6 of us and it was bliss.
My Mother is fabulous cook and she's teaching us her ways. 
Trust me she has a divine talent when it comes to cooking!
I got to prepare the stuffing. Best Stuffing in the world!!! Its my favorite most definitely. 
Our feast was completely diary-free{Yay for my mama!} and it was delicious.

Then after taking care of all the the dirty was time for the first annual 
Woodhouse Turkey Bowl. 
Yup my whole family played with the good ol' pigskin!
Teams were split up Mom, Dad, Carter vs. Aubrie, Lauren, and Me. 
I think you can see who won 

Pie quickly followed and some naps. Then we finished the day with
some James Bond and my personal favorite The Grinch {with Jim Carey}
Lots of quoting  mind you!

"If you so much as utter one syllable I'll hunt you down and gut you like a fish!!
If you'd like to fax me press the star key!"

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