Sunday, November 13, 2011

One of the Coolest Guys I Know

Its a good thing I stayed at La Jolla this semester.
Because I couldn't have met this guy!

{Fantastic Mr. Fox- A.K.A Mister Kevin Fox}

Sorry ladies he's already taken and leaving for a mission soon. 
Sorry to break all your hearts. 
Kevin has a fetish for mustaches and is pretty hilarious!
When I met this kid that would just walk up to people and tell them just a random joke,
I thought This is going to be a fun semester!
Never a dull moment with Kevin around!
Seriously the life of the party.
Don't know what this semester could have been like with out him!
Yeah I know, you all are wishing you could meet this guy.
He's definitely my favorite in  LJ 101 because he's always checking on Linds and Me.
I love having this guy as friend!
He's going to be a super awesome missionary!
Mexico is very lucky to have him for two years!

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