Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dear Boys

It's been a while since I've done these. I guess a lot of it is I've just been pretty boring this semester. Working and doing homework and trying not to fall asleep in class. Ha. So here we go.

Dearest SG312,
What a fun bunch of guys.
Crazy that your roommate/
brother married my friend from
back home. I'll miss having
FHE when the semester is
Oakley girl

Dear boy,
Thanks for the awkward glances
during sacrament meeting. Really
appreciate feeling awkward.

Dear Daddy,
Thanks for making me feel special
and always taking care of me. Thank
for letting me get the iPhone for my
birthday. Get ready to be photo
your eldest daughter

Dear Fe Fi Fo,
Your a great home teacher even
though you are not my home
teacher this semester.
ce ci co

Dear S,
We've had so many adventures this semester.
I'm so glad you came back! Serious descussions
at the temple with ice cream will always be my
favorite. Glad I have you to yammer about my
life to.
Love C

Dear Missionary,
You have become the best thing I never knew I needed.
Things are starting to change and you come home soon!
I hope time flies and you'll be home and we can watch
movies together and tease each other in person.  Yeah
I hope 29 weeks goes fast cause lately your emails
have earned some brownie points. Proud of you for being
on the mission!
chloe chloe 

Monday, November 12, 2012

give thanks


Day 5: I am so, so grateful for modern technology.  I don't know if I could wait 3 weeks to get a letter. Emails are beautiful.

Day 6: I'm grateful to live in a nation where I can make my voice heard. The opportunity to vote is such a blessing. I will support the President even though we have our differences on some big issues.

Day 7: I'm grateful for my co-workers that are super fun! Never a dull moment when you have a mustache app! :) Sometimes I think my supervisors are the ones doing all the silly stuff!

Day 8: I'm grateful for my Teachings of the Living prophets class. I have learned so much about the great men of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are not guided blindly!

Day 9: I am so grateful I am alive. I have been blessed with this amazing life filled with wonderful blessings that are given to me everyday. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father loves me enough He sent me to this Earth to grow and to learn and to become like him. He has blessed me with a lot but I'm most grateful for this life.

Day 10: I'm grateful for cozy afternoons with roommates. Me in sweats bundled in a blanket with hot chocolate while watching a movie. Its quite the site but I love days like that.

Day 11: I'm grateful for the many great men and women past, present, and future that serve and protect our nation. I don't think I would ever feel safe with out them! They protect my rights and help those with no voice get their rights too!

tuned in

Well I'm feeling super giddy today and just have those butterflies in my stomach, the beautiful kind mind you!
So today calls for special music. I guess! :) 

Happy Monday!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012



Surprisingly I feel like my birthdays get better with age. Birthday twenty-one is the best one to date! I received calls from family and friends. And of course I had to be woken up early by my parents and siblings with a call of the Happy Birthday Song! Loved it! Love them! I literally  got attacked on Facebook with Birthday posts all day! Checked my email and got an unexpected email from Argentina (my day was perfect just because of that.) Spent the evening with friends at the Olive Garden. And they got us to our table faster than they said they would so I was impressed with their skill but of course everybody else was coming in late. I gorged on bread sticks and salad which left me know room for my actual meal. Olive Garden ruins me. I see the food and I just down the stuff! And of course the night wouldn't have been complete with some James Bond. What can I say I love Bond. Its a problem, mainly the problem is I love the Sean Connery James Bond.  Loved Skyfall. Definitely a different fill than any of the other bonds. And not going to lie the villain in this movie was super awkward at times, and in some ways reminded me of the Joker with just how demented he was. And I'm glad to see Voldemort play a good guy now.  Finished the night of with gifts from roommates (which know me to well if the most of the gifts have to deal with mustaches) and cake! Oh it was a lovely birthday and I think next years will be better. Awww truly blessed!

Monday, November 5, 2012

tuned in.

So let the partying begin! I like now that I'm getting older Birthday celebrating turns into a week long thing and just kind of starts early and ends early. Wasn't really that way when I was a kid! So let's start off with some party tunes to dance too! 

So have a little dance party in your room or desk or where ever you are right now and think of me dancing with you in spirit! Happy Monday everyone! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

give thanks


You know how everyone is doing that one thing they are thankful for everyday of November (because some people like to take part in Thanksgiving...ok I'm off my soapbox now.)? Well I've decided I want to do it to but I'm going to do it weekly on my blog. 

November 1st:
I'm grateful for my Teachings of the Living Prophets class. I am learning so much about the great men who are mouthpieces of the Lord. God has given them to us so we are never walking blindly through this life and so we can return to our Heavenly Father.

November 2nd:
I'm grateful for the job that I was able to get this semester. It has been one of the greatest blessings in my. It has helped me so much and I'm glad I have something extra to keep me busy. I love the people that I work with and the atmosphere that I work it. Everyone is so nice and everybody likes each other and their is no drama as far as I know. 

November 3rd:
I'm grateful for sleeping in. For a while at the beginning of the semester I didn't have to wake up early because of my classes. Then classes got changed and then I got a job and I had to start getting up earlier. I love my sleep and I'm grateful for sleeping in and the that daylight savings is coming to an end! 

November 4th: 
I'm super duper grateful for my papa! Today is his birthday and if he hadn't born well I would be half a person which is weird to think about. He is always taking care of me even while I'm living Rexburg and far away from home. He has been a good example to me and he's one of my hero's. He's set the bar pretty high for whoever I end up marrying. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

hello november


I love November. Its got thanksgiving and a whole bunch of birthdays, including my own birthday. Yay! Party! So here's to the month that is full of food and being a cozy and turning twenty-one! Let's wait until after Thanksgiving to listen to Christmas music. Its like your friends skipping your birthday because your friends want to celebrate the friend that they find more important than you. Just saying. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

one of the cool kids

It finally happened. I have a smart phone. Well an iPhone to be exact and much to my roommates dismay they think the thing has taken over my life. Well hey its my birthday present and I've never had one before so just let me play with my new toy. Give me a couple weeks and I'll be back to normal. So far I love it! Its a lot more fun than my old phone( next time it'll be going to cell phone heaven and it'll rest in peace with my old razor) So be ready to have an explosion of pictures of my world cause its going to happen. The iPhone just solidified my love for Apple products.


I love my iPhone in the three short days that I have had it. I love it! But enjoy this first photo dump. Notice Rachelle eating her cereal out of a cup and with an ice cream scoop. In other news I'm trying to feel better again and get over this sickness. 

Friday, October 26, 2012



Do you remember growing up thinking you would never get old. Like when you were in High School and even though you wanted to leave you couldn't really imagine yourself leaving. Or when you were a child and you can never in vision yourself turning twenty or twenty one for that matter. Twenty one for me has changed. I thought I would go on a mission when this age came around. I prayed for that for a six months got my answer I wasn't supposed to go. Then the new missionary announcement at October General conference made me want to think differently. Then I got the reassured answer I needed to stay in Rexburg. It was hard at first. All these girls just going on a whim to turn in mission papers and I wanted to be a part of it. At least I prayed about it first. I have friends and a roommate that turned in their papers and I am so happy for them. They are going to be awesome missionaries. 

When I was leaving high school I thought twenty-one met I would be married by now. Boy was I wrong. And I was super naive. So naive, it was sad and pathetic. I do have to say something about not being married: I'm glad I am not married yet. Yes you heard me right. I have changed so much since I started college. I have stronger testimony in the gospel. I appreciate my time alone. I have come closer to God. Because I have waited and continue to wait, I want a temple marriage more than anything in the whole world. And honestly I don't know how fresh out of high school girls get married. They miss out on a lot being in single life and living with roommates. Maybe its just me...yeah, probably just me. 

When I think twenty-one, I'm grateful I am alive. Twenty years ago I got really sick, a hole in my diaphragm sick. My parents were new parents and were afraid, I don't remember any of it. I look at pictures and see how painful it was to see your child connected to so many machines. A child who looks miserable, swollen, and not happy.  Thankfully there was primary children that made sure I would be healthy and happy again. 

When I think twenty-one I am grateful for the friends I have. That I am not the same girl I was in high school: a girl that was an annoying know it all and a wall flower that really didn't know her place. I'm taking more risks and I'm the person I tried to suppress in high school so I could fit in better.  I am smart, I'm awesome at my major, and I have plenty of friends that love me for me and help me be me. 

When I think twenty-one I'm a girl who is a lot happier than she used to be. I have every reason to be happy and I have learned happiness is a choice. Life gets better when you are patient and knowing good things are to come. I now have a job while I am going to school, it took me four semesters to finally get one.  I have great roommates. I have an amazing family! I have a best friend who just got engaged and I couldn't be happier because she is happy. I'm happy when the ones I love are happy.

Most of all I love that I am going to be twenty-one because I'm growing up and things are changing. Glad I haven't stayed little forever. Even though that would be nice but really think about it, never growing up would get kind of boring. Here's to become an adult and being legal. (Yeah please do not buy me any booz, even if it is a joke. Please...) 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Begin Again

PhotobucketIt snowed today, a lot of snow today. It was a beautiful sight really. I was originally grumpy with it, it really changes my morning walk on Mondays and Wednesdays. I actually love walking out in the snow, really quite magical. I wanted to listen to Christmas music all morning. At work the other employees and I watched me supervisor struggle to get into a parking spot. Lesson of the day:make sure your four wheel drive engages. The gardens was a beautiful site really. I have two roommates that are disagreeing about it though. Its quite hilarious  One sees no point to snow the other one could marry snow. In other news I'm starting to be better about taking pictures. There could be a reason for that and I'm just not ready to share that yet.  But lets just say it feels like beginning again. And its been the best unexpected thing that I have needed. But for now enjoy the pictures of the snow in all of their glory. And I'm thankful I live in Rexburg where the snow doesn't melt immediately after it has fallen on to the ground like Oakley. Yup. Its windy and yet the snow stays here. And I have a good reason to wear a hat to class. Its lovely.


Monday, October 22, 2012

tuned in

Taylor Swift realsed her new album as 12AM Eastern. I wish I had pre-ordered the album but I wait until late afternoon today to finally download it. I love every song(minus'll take some warming up to that one) So enjoy my favorite song of the album. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Good Things

Besides the sad note that I have been a terrible blogger lately lots of great things have been happening. Hopefully I'll get use to the busy lifestyle I'm living. And have my camera with me more. Anyways I have been truly blessed.

So I've been writing this missionary for a good long while now and things have exciting to say the least. I've never met this missionary in real life...but I'm writing him and its kind of, sort of a long story so I won't be sharing that one anytime soon. Well today after getting back from my trip I had a written letter with a surprise. The surprise you ask...well it was Argentinean pesos. How did this boy know I loved foreign money? 

I got to go home for the weekend. Despirte feeling crummy at the start, I slowly felt better after doing homework and eating food cooked by my mother. It was just good to be home with people that love me for who I am and they let me complain about anything...well maybe they limit my number of complaints about wedding announcements. 

Haunted Mansions with the sisters. Enough said besides the awkward moment when the 15 year old tried to make a move by holding my hand. 

Mom making my favorite meal. Cube steak and mashed potatoes with gravy. Y-u-m-m-y. Mmmmm!

Working. It's such a blessing to have the ability work and to have an opportunity to work. 

The most wonderful friends that took care of me when I was sick with a mild version of the flu I'm sure. It wasn't fun. Let's say I had a steady diet of ginger ale and soda crackers. Hey I lost weight...the only good thing about being sick. 

Being sent back to school with lots of goodies. Pumpkins, apples, potatoes, and rolls. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuned In

I stumbled on this gem recently. Roommate played a song by him and I fell in love is voice. Not to mention he has got some great songs.

Another thing I recommend when it comes to tunes is Pitch Perfect. Its such a funny movie and the music is great! I'm a big fan of Rebel Wilson now. It was one of the best movies I have gone to with my roommates. We had such a good time. Check it out


Saturday, October 6, 2012



Want in on all of this happiness and love that I am feeling. Go to here. You'll be glad you did! Mormon Holiday is the best!

Friday, October 5, 2012

I want to be like that


I want to be that kind of woman and daughter.

Dear Boys

Dear AZ,
You have my number now.
Call me maybe?

Dear Boys on campus,
Your head tilt/nod needs improvement.
I've had a lot and 3% are doing a good
just a suggestion,
girl on campus

Dear Papa!
I know you are going to rock
your marathon tomorrow!
Boston 2014 is yours! Loves ya!
Cheering in Spirit

Dear Missionary,
You are the biggest surprise in my life
right now. I expected you to be weird
and crazy but you proved me wrong.
I look forward to your letters on
Monday's. And a side note you are a
lot cuter than I had imagined.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tuned In

I love the voice of Carolina Liar and Lyrics make me just as happy. I can't believe I haven't kept tabs on Carolina Liar because I missed a new album which I have since downloaded. What are some of your favorite songs right now. I always love hearing about new music! Hope the week is going awesome. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happiness is...

Sunday mornings filled with Mormon Tabernacle choir. Since church is so late for my apartment I get up each Sunday, eat breakfast and watch Music and the Spoken word. The choir even sang my favorite hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. That song brings me such peace. Then its getting ready for church with Mo-Tab playing through out the house. It may be different songs but its still pretty wonderful. 

Coming up with my own soup recipe. Yeah I'm that genius. And It was super delicious. Yes, you tastes buds are watering right now because they are jealous of my mad soup skills. My mug cake was super delicious too. Especially when I accidentally poured to many chocolate chips into it. Stop drooling on your computer. That's gross.

Going for a bike ride. I still hate that everything is so pushed back but I love my late afternoon bike rides. I'll be sad once its too cold and dark for me to do it anymore. I love the fall breeze in my face and hair. The leaves changing their colors. Its so beautiful and it makes it better when I have happy tunes playing in my earbuds. 

Is talking to my mother and Sharla on the phone. They are such a great motivators! I'm glad I can hear the love in their voices. I wish I could give them a big hug everyday! 

The New Black Keys album. Love the retro sound. I just want to go crazy and dance to it and be silly. 

Stumbling upon the original Pink Panther and the Pink Panther Strikes again. It reminds me of my dearest Josi. She introduced me to the greatness. And I thank her greatly for sharing. 

Having a job. I can't explain how grateful I am for my job. Its not much but it is definitely a great blessing in my life. 

Isn't life just a wonderful thing? It may not be perfect but at least it's still good!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dear Boys

Its been a long while since I've done this post and I'm finally ready to do them again.

Dear Sunglasses,
You were definitely good luck
for my interview. Thank you
for your subtle eyebrow raises.
Confidence booster for me.
-nervous wreck

Dear AZ,
Yeah, I wish I could say I don't
think about you anymore but I
would be lying.

Dear S,
I'm so glad you are finally back in
Rexburg, Glad to have someone
to talk to!

Dear _________,
Sorry I haven't come up with a clever
name for you yet. Way to kill it.
I had fun but you killed it.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuned In

Happy Monday! I started my new job today and I'm really excited about it. Who doesn't want a job where there job is all about social networking!  Wanted to share the song above. My roommate kept playing it on her iPad and I feel in love with it. It's a good one and who doesn't love Lifehouse! Love me some good music that makes me feel good.  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Back in July before the semester was over my roommates and I all bought tickets to the much anticipated Mormon Tabernacle concert for fall semester. I bought two tickets not knowing who I would take because It was two months away. My three roommates did the same too.  So I really thought nothing of it until I got back to Rexburg. Then I thought of asking this boy I had liked last semester and that's another story for another day. So in the grand scheme of things all of the roommates got to go including the new ones. Well the only exception is Whitney sat with her boy in better seats while we sat with her parents and grandparents. Kinda weird how that worked out. But it was a really enjoyable night. The choir sang some songs I have never heard them sing. This was their third time coming to Rexburg and it sounds like they'll come again. 


Loved this particular song because of the organ! The organ is amazing! You could tell the organist hands were hurting by the end of the song. It was a fun night and I'm glad I could share it with my roommates. Not to mention our midnight run for locos tacos and the new Katy Perry movie. Life is good! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Good Things

Its been a while and so many good things have happened! 

Two weeks of school completed! I've made some changes. I'm no longer taking French but I'm taking an Economics class instead! Its has turned out for the better!

My roommates are bomb awesome! I love them so much! This semester has been so fun so far! I'm so grateful for them!

I've got to talk to all of my closest friends this week on the phone. Technology is great!

I'm reunited with one of my favorite friends in the whole world. Shane. 

My student ward is awesome! My relief society is awesome! Church is so much better when almost all the students in the ward are active. 

Teachings of the Living Prophets- the best religion class I have taken in my BYU-I career. Take it from either of the Brother Hammonds'. You'll be glad you did! 

I. Got. A. Job! Finally after 2 years I finally get a job on campus and its going to be a lot of fun! I looking forward to the people I get to be working with. I don't know if I'll ever thank Jenna enough for giving the referral of about me. 

And to top it all off I get to go to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with all my roommates! I'm excited that Mo-Tab is in Rexburg! Its going to be an awe-inspiring night! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Consider the Lilies

I have church at 1:30PM and I feel like it pushes all of my Sabbath day things back. Especially when you have CES fireside that takes up your evening time. Not that I have problem with it. So after being spiritual fed all day, I went for a bike ride and listened to one of my favorite talks of all time by President Uchtdorf. Go here to read. And then after talking with Linds and riding my bike back home I turned Mormon Tabernacle Choir on Shuffle and got this song. It was what I needed to hear. I knew Heavenly Father will always be watching me and will always be there for me. This semester is going to be different and I'm excited  for it. But Heavenly Father is always concerned about us. He is our Father and we are his children. He wants the best for us and we should do everything to receive his blessings. Remember to always consider the lilies. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

moved in

Yesterday was the longest day of my life. Loaded up the little Camry with all of my stuff {I have way to many clothes I've decided} and headed into Burley to run errands and for my mom to go to glass. After eating lunch and finding out the dry cleaners misplaced skirt{argh}, mama and I were on the freeway. Fast forward >> Winco in IF>> REXBURG! Yay! Sad part my mom helped me unload everything and then left me. I guess its about time its finally happening it was just weird and strange wrapped up together in a burrito covered in the sour cream of hate of change. So let the good times roll. This semester is going to be filled with lots of adventures and smiles. I would post pictures of my room but its the same as last semester so go figure. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Good Things

It has been so long since I've done a good things post and its a bit over due in my case. 

We had a cat dropped off at our house and he's such a cuddle bug. Chester is adorable and is trying to convince the dog that he's an okay cat. Phoebe is not convinced and neither is my nose. Still love Mr. Chester Cat even though I'm sure I'm allergic to him. 

So I went a little over bored with new school clothes this year. Okay that just sounds like I went crazy. I didn't go crazy I just bought more than I usually do and almost all the stuff was on sale and I'm going to look pretty stylish this fall. 

I got a new pair of colored skinny jeans! Fun fact I have 12 pairs of jeans from American Eagle. Love their jeans. Hey when I find a pair of jeans that makes my behiney look cute I don't stop buying from that place. I finally got my sisters hooked. 

Psych! Need I say more. I love Shawn.

Um Batman. Yes I love the Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale Batman so don't ask me to watch any of those silly ones from before. 

All my friends that the seven week break awesome! They kept me sane. 

My mom's awesome woodworking skills. She made a new awesome headboard for the room I usually stay in. She's just amazing!

Cooking with my mom. I learn so much when I cook with her. 

Sharla. Love that girl. Wish she was coming back to Rexburg this fall. 

I move back to Rexy tomorrow! So ready! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

What a beaut!

Today for labor day the family went up to City of Rocks because Carter begged to. According to him he's never been which I believe is false. How could you live in Oakley and not been there. Going brought lots of memories of fun girls camps and past family outings. Well I give credit to Carter for climbing Bath Rock for the first time. And once upon a time I new how City of Rocks formed and I still think I have snippet of that knowledge but my favorite part of City of Rocks is the History of the Pioneers going through. The orginial Oregon Trail actually goes through part of City of Rocks and there are register rocks where people back in the trekking wagon days would sign their name in grease or wagon wheel axel grease. Pretty neat if you ask me. Today was fun and I got some great photos. Please excuse my face, its a hot mess, it was after I climbed Bath and I was in a hurry because Carter was about to leave me up on top by myself. 

I just love Idaho! Its got a beauty like no other place. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

let it be.

Sometimes I get a head of myself and probably get in my own way. Today in church we talked about doing what is right and what our modern day prophets teach us. One girl in the Relief Society bore her testimony {it was was fast and testimony meeting} about doing what is right and always to be prayful. What stood out to me most of all how she said Heavenly Father will answer our prayers not always at the time we want him to answers, not always the answers we want to hear but he still answers. She continued in saying we need to keep our faith because our Heavenly Father knows best for us. Something I really needed to hear. Remember faith in Heavenly Father also means faith in his timing. Probably something thats hard for me to do because I'm such an impatient person and I get frustrated with myself and people and things that go on in my life. This week I'll be moving back to Rexburg thankfully. Its time for me to get back and into school. I'm really excited for this semester. I can tell there are good things coming my way and I just need to keep smiling and staying positive.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Just had to share some of my favorite songs that are the most played on my iPod right now.

Erin McCarley-Just Another Day
stumbled upon Erin last fall and
love all of her music. This just
might become my theme song
for fall semester.

Saw a commercial that had this
song playing and loved it and
has become one of my favorite
songs to work out too. My
siblings are fans as well which
made me the cool sister for a

A favorite of me and my sister.
Love running to it and having
a dance party in my room by
myself. And they're from Provo.
Who knew right?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jet Ski Kind of a Night

Earlier today I had text my good friend Bryson about doing something tonight. I was expecting movies but then he surprised me with saying wanna Seadoo. Of course with out hesitation I said yes and I called up Jacque as well. After meeting up at his house we headed up to the Oakley Reservoir for some speed and water. I was surprised with how warm the water was and how warm the air was with how late it was getting. Sadly we had started to late and had to load up early. After almost getting stuck and finally realizing an oops we headed up listening to a hilarious song and introduced Mat Kearny to both of them it was time to head home and get into bed  and get warm. Oh how I love summer and I'm not ready for it to be already. And I'm gearing up for Rexburg already. Everyone else has started school including my mom {She's headed for a Dietetics degree} so its me and the dog for the most part. Thank goodness for moonlight jet ski rides with good friends to keep me sane. I can't wait to see my Rexburg friends next week and to get the party started. And to drop off wedding presents to recently and soon to be married friends. Don't worry I plan on hanging with roommates and avoiding marriage like the plague. I have good feelings about the next semester. Its going to be a good one full of good happenings. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Chloe's Typography Tips For Any Blogger

My family has recently started calling me the font nazi ever since I came home fresh of a typography semester and would name fonts that would show up on TV screen. My mom says I deserve it because I got a hundred percent on my font ID test. That and I'm a wedding announcement critic and only I and family will ever hear about my rants of how wedding announcements sent to our house could be made better. But back to this post. I've wanted to do this for a long time because I read blogs a lot and some blogs are clearly better than others concerning typography. 
Blogging is an excellent form of self expression not only in the writing but also in its design {background, header, buttons, etc.} But lately I'm getting tired of overkill or a.k.a "lets push for so gosh darn cute my reader can't read my blog post." There have been plenty of blogs that I have stumbled upon that sound really interesting and then I get to their blog and I can't read a thing. Sadly I won't stay long to read that blog and they have lost a reader when I have lost interest in trying to decipher what they wrote.  I've kept my blog pretty basic not only because I don't know a lot of coding but also because it keeps my blog functional. 

Tip #1:Post Body
Not all fonts are created equal. Some are meant for reading over a long period of time {books, articles, etc.}, while others are meant for display and grabbing attention{posters, movie titles, announcementsetc.} While blogging you need to constantly keep in mind your readers. Even if you think nobody is reading your blog, your wrong someone is reading {unless you keep it unpublished}. Don't pick a font that you think is super fun and cute because it'll mostly likely be hard to read for a long period of time. It wasn't meant for a body of test. If I have to squint because I can't make the shape of the letters I won't try to read the post. Maybe just one sentence but that's about it. Think about writing a paper for a class. You want your professor to be able to read it and its not some poem for third grade. So you would pick a readable font or use the one the professor has chosen for the assignment. Make your your readers happy by making the test more readable. I recommend Georgia or Veranda {both have been specifically designed for the web} or even Arial{pff what a knock off} or Times New Roman. Never, never, NEVER use script or comic sans or apple chaucery. You will me scoffed at by designers, especially me. 

Tip #2: Color
Not all colors are meant for reading over a long periods of time as well. With color keep it simple. Black text on a white background{ok yes you can't get away with several light colors} or white text on a black background {or some other really dark color}. Yes I may of cheated on this one using navy blue for text color but it still works because it is dark enough. Please do not use yellow or a light color like baby pink or blue. Even teal or lime green or a hot pink can be hard to read. 

Tip #3: Size
Web is very different from print and sometimes that means your text needs to appear bigger. Some cases it will appear smaller and you'll need to make it bigger. Sometimes it will be made bigger already.  For blogger size 12 or 14 is a good size and very readable. Even size 11 can work. Sometimes bigger is better especially when it comes to text and the web. 

Tip #4: Post Title/Blog Title
Go for it! Yes you read my words correctly: Go for it! But when I say go for it don't go completely crazy. Do pick one of those fun fonts that are meant to be for display. Go ahead for a script with your favorite shade of lime green. Remember you reader. Do make it a lot bigger than your body text for some added variation. 

Typography  is important, very important. Don't believe me imagine text on TV giving you information they want to share and its in a script font. Not very useful or helpful. You want people to read your blog--make it easier to read. Your blog can still be cute without bad typography. 
For other design advice or your looking for someone to fill your graphic design needs email me at 

Sunday, August 26, 2012


My dad has been rocking the half and full marathons lately. His determination as kind of got me thinking about training for a half marathon. Maybe. I'm running and biking for now and my running isn't that fair because I need to build up my knee strength. I digress back to my father and his awesomeness. He rocked the Top of the Utah half marathon. Time 1 hour and 33 minutes. His time per mile was faster than his 10K time per mile in July. I have a feeling this man will be qualifying for the coveted Boston Marathon.

And we saw a cute baby horse as we were walking to and from the finish line to my grandma's house. Yeah, my grandma is cool like that. Or we're just lucky that both the half and full marathon route go by our grandma's house. 

And of course no Logan, Utah trip would be complete with out lots of Aggie Ice Cream,{its the best, especially the cookie dough} and some tiny spicy chicken from Mandarin Garden. So delicious, really would not mind moving to Logan after college or the SLC valley. Yeah I would have fun living there. 

Heaven on Earth

This past weekend has been quite exciting. I was glad for a trip to Utah after being home for almost the week of being home working on a logo and sleeping and watching Psych and avoiding my packing that needs to happen. So when it was getting closer to my father's half marathon my mom had the idea to go to the Brigham City Temple Open House. What can I say my mom is a genius and I'm so glad we went. 


Bride's dressing room. Super Gorgeous and has my favorite painting of Esther in the Room{via}

Where families are sealed for time and eternity. {via}

Brigham City Peach Blossom for some of the window details and various other 
details around the temple. Love.{via}

I was so glad to experience going through the whole temple with my family again. It was a lot different than the Twin Falls temple in regards that the tour was long and you had an actual tour guide. This tour was just a long line through the whole temple looking at everything. It was a gorgeous temple just like the Twin Falls Temple. Knowing that it is Heavenly Father's home makes me apperciate what goes in to building a temple and making it beautiful. It has the most beautiful things inside. I can't wait for the day to where I can go and do other temple ordinances. If you don't fully understand what temples are and why they aren't open to the general public go  here and here. I can't wait until I am sealed to my eternal companion. I really don't care what temple I get married in but Brigham City has become a contender. If you haven't gone to see this temple go see it! Its worth it and the open house will last until September 15th. And if you have questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days there are missionaries ready to take your questions at the open house.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Walk like an Egyptian

Well today I got to go enjoy a day with family at the Museum of Idaho. Harvest ended yesterday which made me sad in regards that I won't have a job for the next three weeks. But I definitely will have plenty of projects to get done in the next couple of weeks. Making some paintings for my newly changed room (pictures to come later) and creating a logo for my uncle so it'll be good fun. But back to today. 

Dear old King Tut's exhibit was in Idaho Falls and it was quite a treat. Me and my sisters had good fun taking funny pictures and looking at all of the things found in Tut's tomb. Lots of interesting things and did you know that they put golden caps on his fingers and toes when they buried him? Rather interesting and had lots of fun with la famille. Went to Dickey's for some amazing barbecue {love taking them to new places to eat}. Did some school shopping at target and finally got me a memory foam topper for my bed. 

I'll post more pictures of going ons and the pictures from work. But today was about family and it was a good day for sure. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Yesterday's post and today's post are making up for the lack of Dear Boys post and really this is exciting as my life gets right now. Ha.

Well I never where makeup when I work at the scale. I basically grunge down for the jump to prevent from awkward moments of truck drivers hitting on me. Well apparently it doesn't stop some people and apparently I look decent with out makeup these days. I had another incident today but not with some high school boy. I'm not sure how old this guy was-wanna say mid-twentites-anyway. This guy was f-i-n-e, fine. This guy was a tall glass of water if you know what I mean haha. Anyway this guy was wearing sunglasses and I could just tell he was good looking. Well after he left the first time I turn to Kade exclaim how he's hot. And we laugh. Well the next time he brings in a new load he totally takes his sunglasses off and I can totally see he's looking at me by using my peripherals. Well I give him his bin ticket so he can go dump and we totally eye lock. Oh my goodness it actually felt good even though I know nothing was going to come of it. But just to have a guy check me out when I'm wearing no makeup felt good. To bad that driver is a mechanic and was driving for just a couple of hours and I'll never come back to the scale house again. So lame. But I'm glad to know I'm comfortable with out makeup. Maybe I'll take a picture of myself tomorrow and post it. Hmmm...chances are very unlikely.

Plus I have finally written up Chloe's Typography Advice for any Blogger finally. I've been wanting to do this and finally I got my basic tips narrowed down and school isn't frying my brain. So stay tuned.  And I'll post some pictures of work so you can see how exciting my job is eventually. 

Monday, August 13, 2012


So I work at scale house, where I interact with truck drivers on a daily basis. And for the most part most of them can't speak English so they can't really talk to me. Which for the most part is how I like it. All of them are way older than me {granted I should have worn the fake ring in the past two years} and they are pretty respectful. Well today was pretty normal until some 16 year old started hauling for I'm guessing for a grandfather or uncle or somebody in his ward started flirting with me. And of course I'm totally oblivious when I'm actually flirting. The kid seemed to be hitting on me. After that happened and even my co-scale person even agreed with me when I said what just happened there was he hitting on me? So yeah eh...what?! just happened to me today. I don't whether to feel flatter to be some boy's infatuation or feel disgusted because I'm some hormone raged high school boys whatever. I digress.Well my coworker says I should own it and flaunt it. Geez. Boys. Yeah thats as exciting as my days get at Scale House.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

a little inspiration.

Here's some inspiration to get through life and this next week. My mom asked me to do this a while ago and I made a version and she didn't like it and it just looked worse to me. So like any designer I took a break, explored some different options and took another break because heck this for my mom.  So this is what I came up with. And I really like it. Granted I'll  keep tweaking it because when I put it into another setting other than in illustrator I see changes that need to be made. So enjoy! {PLEASE: do not copy this without my permission. It's my own work.}

Thursday, August 9, 2012


So dignified.

Remember when I said I was going to write blog posts about what I do for work because really my work is quite interesting and I meet quite the characters and people who I can't speak to because they don't understand me. Que Chloe making hand motions and asking her supervisor to speak Spanish for her. Well I've forgotten to charge my camera and work has been pretty slow. Its been a strange harvest that's for sure. Today was intense. Busiest day at Beetville so far this harvest. The best part is I  was by myself. My teammate was asked to go to another scale. So I was all by myself and had 110 trucks and I didn't make any mistakes at all. And normally I get about 1 or 2 mistakes a day with another person helping me with harvest. Impressive I think so. But thats just me and I've been working in a scale house for five years. So truck drivers please shut the scale house door when you leave and get on the scales the correct way. No more of your shinanigans. I'm tired, so ready for some wonderful sleep. But hey can't complain about today got some good hours and dad picked me up and we got some taco bandito to go. YUM! Love me some taco salad burrito and sugar tias!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Remember how I talked about reading the Book of Mormon in 37 days. Yes 37 days all before Fall 2012 semester. I really don't know where I got the idea but its probably been one of the best ideas I have ever had to actually challenge myself. I'm way a head of schedule and already more than a quarter of the way done (I'm reading more than six chapters a day).

For those who don't know what the Book of Mormon is, it is another Testament of Christ and scripture that was translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith.  Some say that it condriticts the bible but really the Bible and the Book of Mormon are fitted together and help each other.

I know the Book of Mormon to be true. I have read it myself and with my family and every time I am reassured that it is true. Even though I grew up in the LDS faith I still prayed about the Book of Mormon for myself to know if it is true. The Book of Mormon draws me closer to Heavenly Father and Christ. When I read it I feel happy and I don't ever want to do a bad thing again. God speaks to us today and he has provided the world with the Book of Mormon.  It will prepare for what lies a head. I feel God's love when I read the Book of Mormon because I know he prepared it for our day. It is a wonderful book. I know it is the Word of God.

If you are wondering how you can get a Book of Mormon, go to my profile page and send me a message and I will mail you one or you can go to to read the Book of Mormon online. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Good Things

Already start working. I'm so lucky to have a a job for this awkward break of seven weeks. What can I say I'm good at what I do and its really not that hard to be a scale operator. 

I found out I'll receive I nice big pell grant this coming school year which will allow me the option to stay and take classes winter semester. Huge blessing! 

My single ward bishopric back home. They are simply amazing and I'm so glad I know they love me!

I quick girls night with Josi. Complete with Sherlock Holmes and fun dip. Just like high school. Really happy she is Provo already but pretty bummed she left so early. That girl is destined for greatness. 

New clothes. What girl isn't excited about new clothes?! Really?

Olympics. I love it. Love watching it and seeing the drive of all the athletes! Gabby Douglus is super cute and I love watching her compete. And I have anew favorite swimmer Nathan Adrian. I'm starting to notice I have a thing for swimmer. They are tall, gorgeous, and have got the muscles. I can't wait for track events to start. 

My new goal. It surprised me. I am going to read the entire Book of Mormon by the time I move back up to school. I figured it out and since starting it on Tuesday I'm schedule.  Read about 6 to 7 chapters a day I'll make. I think I will. I really want to do this.

Reading Lectures on Faith. In a way its mind blowing because I never thought of faith like the book describes and yet it makes sense. Another favorite read right now is However long and hard the road by Elder Jeffery R. Holland. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chloe lately.

Well this last week has been crazy. And I've really had no time to catch my breath or my sleep.
Harvest snuck  up and I'm already working which is making me more tired. Oh grain harvest how I love and hate you at the same time. I love it because it gives me a job but I hate it because some of the people I interact with at work are quite the characters. Thankfully the racist hasn't shown up yet but I've planning a Mexican party to happen when he starts bringing in trucks. I haven't taken pictures of work yet to show what an exciting job it is and what exactly I do because most people think when I say harvest I'm working potato harvest because I'm from Idaho. Idaho grows a vast amounts of crops especially in the valley I live in. But I digress. So I've been trying to be domestic on the side of work making jam, working on finishing a dress I started sewing a year ago and fixing shirts I bought to be bit more modest.  Also I sit on the recliner with the dog, who tries to take up most of the seat  the trud! I chopped my hair a lot shorter than planned (thanks medicine that's drying my hair out pretty bad)

Olympics have started and I can I say Ryan Lochte's determination has mad his gorgeousness increase by a 100%. Yeah I look forward to watching him race more.  Ceremonies were fantastic but China is still number one. It'll be a long time before that is topped. My favorite parts of London's celebrations was Mr. Bean, what can I say he'll always be my favorite and the deaf children seeing. Precious I tell you, precious! And I can't lie, I teared up at that part. Bond and the queen was pretty hilarious. But really Queen Elizabeth are we supposed to believe you jumped out of that helicopter? I  just love the Olympics! And I love the feeling of opening ceremonies gives you that there is still good in the world.

Have a happy week everybody! You deserve it!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dear Boy {39} Trente-neuf

Sorry the blog got neglected a lot just in the past two weeks. My finals consumed me and I thought I would never see daylight again. Which is a lie because I saw it everyday when I went to class.

Dear Boys on campus,
Thank goodness I was not looking for a date
at all the last week of semester. I looked
terrible. Trust me awful. No makeup, hair up
in a bun and just jeans and a t-shirt. You weren't
paying attention hallelujah!
-stressed hot mess

Dear AZ,
To bad we won't have the same class anymore.
Probably ever. To bad I won't ever see you again. 
You were still a pleasant surprise for 3 weeks. 

Dear J & J
I'm really happy both of you proposed
to your girls! It makes me happy to see
their are still good guys in the world. 
Sorry I was so harsh before. Those girls
are pretty lucky ladies!
love, old fhe sister

Dear missionary,
I'm so glad we are great friends and I get
to email you. You tell me things I need to
hear and remind me to be positive.
your neighbor

Dear boy,
Thanks for keeping in mind that I wanted to
go on zero dates this semester or that would
have been awkward! ;)
love, d & w

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thats a Wrap!

Is the semester already over? 14 weeks of my life just flashed by? Say What!? I can't believe I just finished my 4th semester of college. I'm a junior! Whats happening to me? Before I know it I'll be 21 and almost done with my degree!
This semester has been a good one! No drama in the apartment. (sad but thats true it took me 4 times to finally get a good apartment, by the way I'm living with them again) Lots of my really good friends got engaged! Exciting I know and I'm getting more awesome too.
100% on my Font ID test. I took the practice test 30 times to get that score.
An amazing typogram that my teacher liked a lot.
Getting a 100 on my first oral evaluation(second time didn't get enough dialogue to get that)
B in French. Yup I got a B in French and didn't even take it in high school. Not to shabby.
Meeting a super cute guy.
Meeting amazing people in my classes. That list could go on for ever. Seriously.
Awesome roommates.

Pretty much being sick for most of the semester-it was awful. Awful I tell you.
Almost dying after finals
Hardly seeing that cute boy...we'll save that story for a rainy day or when I just feel like it.
Lindsey won't be my room roommate anymore. Psh...I hope she realizes what she is missing out on!
And maybe neglecting some classes for Typography and French...yeah thankfully I got that all figured out.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sneaky Peaky

I've been slaving over a certain assignment today. My brain is fried! 


Friday, July 13, 2012

Dear Boy {38} Trente-huit

Dear Bug Eyed, 
Stop your staring! 
Thats weird!
-disturbed yet again

Dear AZ, 
I need to just let you go. 
Please take an exit to stage 
left. Maybe you can come
back on stage another time.

Dear Boys on Campus, 
Yeah I'm impressed some
of you are upping your 
game. Keep it up. 

Dear Lazy, 
Get off your highhorse
and ask my roommate
on a date. Its obvious 
like her!
-concerned roommate

Dear Boy,
Make sure you look at my pinterest 
somedy. That way you can really 
surprise me by doing better than that!
love, d&w